And...We're Doomed.

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Police Hat's POV

Everyone's been silent.

Wii U hasn't given me an update on the situation since he told me to issue a curfew, and I haven't gotten a single call from the police department.

I tried to call them, but nobody picked up.

I also tried to convince Wii U to let me out of the hotel to see what's happening, and if I could help.  If the rest of the police force is on the case of whatever's happening, I should be there too, right?

But he said he isn't to let any contestants out of the hotel until he is told to, which includes me.

So these past few days, everyone's just been doing their own thing in the hotel; the Fire Axe, Lemon and Sandwich alliance hang out all the time, Oreo is always in the library or with Watermelon and Gumball, Orange is usually bothering them or by himself, and Pudding Cup...

Well, I've been trying to talk to her about that little...'incident' we had.  Yeah, I kind of overreacted and accused her without solid proof, and that's against the law.  So I've been trying to talk it out with her to make things right.

But I've barely seen her around.  And when I do, she's gone in about three seconds.

If I didn't know any better, I'd say she's avoiding me on purpose.  She probably doesn't want to talk about it, but from my experiences, talking is usually the way to go. 

So I was thinking, I've memorized the whole hotel, so maybe I can get Pudding Cup in a place where she can't run.  Maybe then I might be able to talk to her.


And that's why I'm waiting outside Pudding Cup's room right now.  Don't judge me, but I've also memorized her general schedule. 

Yeah yeah, call me a stalker, but this is for both our benefits.

Okay, here she comes now.

"Hey, Pudding Cup, can we talk for a minute?"

She turned her head in surprise, and I couldn't miss the very annoyed look in her eyes when she saw me.

"Um, well, I gotta be somewhere right now, we...we can talk later." She replies.

Yeah, she's lying.  Lying to a police officer is against the law, but I won't mention that now.

"But I really, really need to talk right now, can't your thing wait?" I try to convince her.  Hopefully if she agrees to talk here, we can avoid me chasing her around the hotel like a maniac.

"No, it can't, I promised to meet Oreo t-the library." She says on the spot. "Speaking of which, I gotta go now, see ya!"

Then she runs off.

I guess we really have to do this, huh?

I run after her, taking shortcuts to cut her path off, making her run specific turns.  So what I'm trying to do is get her to the top floor, there's a small room up there that I'll corner her into, and I am hoping SO MUCH that this'll work.

"Police Hat, leave me alone!" She shouts as she runs up the stairs.

So far, so good.

After a few more flights of stairs, we make it to the top, and I chase her to the small room.  She stops with nowhere else to run, and whips around to face me.

"What is your DEAL!?" She yells, despite being out of breath.

"I just need to talk to you!  And I've been trying to do this for weeks now, so can you at least cooperate!?" I yell back.  She crossed her arms and sighed sharply, drawing her mouth into a straight line.

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