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Oreo's POV

Watermelon took off right from the group, and I followed suit.

I didn't really think splitting up was a good idea, it was like every zombie- no, every horror cliche ever.

Group splits up, and then whatever it is that's hunting them picks them off one by one. Except the main character, of course. And maybe his or her love interest.

..does that mean we've basically condemned everyone else to die?

Well, if Orange dies, I don't think I could care less, but Pudding Cup and Police Hat..

I'm just hoping cliches don't pertain to real life.

"Oreo! Stop lagging behind!" Watermelon's sharp tone jerks me from my thoughts.


I jogged back up to match Watermelon's pace. Everywhere I looked, there was ruin. Buildings crumbling, vegetation growing out of control..makes you wonder, how long has this city been abandoned?

Hopefully we don't run into any zombies. They're scary.

My mind drifts to Gumball. I was never close with her, but still.. The way she died was undeserving and..gruesome, to say the least.

Could she have been saved, if I was quicker? The answer I came up with was yes. A definite yes.

Watermelon says to not dwell on the past, because it distracts you from what you're doing. But when someone dies right in front of your eyes..

It's a hard thing to ignore.

"Oreo! Again with the lagging! You're going to get lost at this rate." Watermelon shook her head disapprovingly. "What are you thinking about now?"

"Well..just thinking about you think I could've saved her?"

"Of course you could've, you just weren't quick enough." She says sternly. "I told you before to not think about the past, look what's gotten into you now."

"I know, I know, I just..I could've prevented it, ya'know?"

Watermelon sighed. "This is getting us nowhere. What's done is done; now stop whining, and focus on being better."


We walk in silence once more, me checking my gun repeatedly. The deadness was getting to me.

"Do you think it's time we go back?"

Watermelon pauses in her tracks and scans our surroundings. "This sign right here," She gestured to a wooden sign with a fainted red crab painted on it. "is the stopping point.  When we see this sign again, we'll go back."

I nod, and we continue through the area.  Everything is too silent until we turn the corner, and find a zombie lurking about. 

"Oh..  What do we do?"

"Kill it." She hissed. "What else?  You act like it's alive."

I force down a gulp of air.  She's right though, it was a living being, but now it's just a fragment.  It can't think, it doesn't feel emotions.

Or at least, that's what I told myself when I shot it down.  The object fell facefirst onto the pavement.  Watermelon nodded in approval.

"Let's keep moving."

This is the third time everything's fallen silent.  Just me, Watermelon, and this ghost city.  Something about that last encounter put me more on edge than I already was, tuning in on every faint sound and picking at every sight. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2018 ⏰

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