Two. Secrets unveiled

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Names have a huge effect on people. When these names are called,they elicit different feelings in different people.

Some people feel happy,some feel excited,some people feel nervous but when I heard my name, I felt a whirl of nervousness and complete fear. You see,let me explain myself: only one person in both this world and the other, only one person ever called me Ana......Aiden.

While my family,friends and acquaintances called me Maya, Aiden had woken up one morning and decided to call me Ana.

Still wouldn't tell me why.
If my suspicions were correct and it was actually Aiden,then to mildy put it, I was done for. Aiden didn't know about who I really was or where I was from so him seeing me create a ball of energy out of thin air was well,something very new.

Turning abruptly, I peeked under my lashes to see the shocked and hurt expression on Aiden's face with his still outstretched arms. I could only imagine what he could be feeling at that moment. Shock,surprise,hurt and maybe a little anger.

Bracing myself, I prepared myself to do the greatest explanation I've ever done in my life. I did consider lying but i was done lying to my best friend.

"Aiden, I can explain..." I said as I turned around.
"Well then,what are you waiting for ? An invitation ?" he replied with a scowl on his face while crossing his arms.

Well,here goes nothing. I really do hope he believes me.

"I'm not human,I'm not an alien either. And no,I'm not from a parallel universe...." In another situation,this would have been funny because Aiden believed aliens really exist. Who knows,maybe they do.

"......there are really no words for humans to describe what I am but my people call me Swrenaylia. I am a princess of sorts but my dad isn't the king. My world is a part of the embodiment of earth,though hidden from it. We aren't more advanced than humans,we just developed and mutated in a different way. My world is called Fryrana. I said I'm a princess of sorts because according to our culture,some of us are born more special than others. Our essences are put into humans and we are born as human children all over the world. This is for our protection I presume...."

"There used to be a time when special Fryanans like Aylia here didn't need to be put in the human world for their protection but times change " Serv,who I had forgotten was even there and who had made himself comfortable on a rock,said with a look of....huh,longing and hurt?
I'll have to ask him later

".....yes. Growing up,we don't know who we are but as we turn 18,we start to notice things about us and our guardian among humans...." I continued while pointing in Serv's direction.

".....tells us and trains us on who we are. Hence,what you saw."

"We are princesses and princes of our world because we are born to ensure balance and unity between our world and this one. Us among you,are like the link and proof that both worlds exist." I finished while finally looking up to Aiden and twitching my fingers nervously.

Instead of finding an angry and about to explode Aiden, Aiden had an excited expression on his face and he was looking at me and Serv with curiosity. His golden eyes flicking from me to Serv and back again.

I was confused. I expected him to be mad at me,scream, delete my number and unfollow me on all social networks......dramatic, I know but it's understandable ....
But here he was,smiling like he had just been told,he didn't ever need to work in life because he just won an endless supply of money because his theories on alternate life just became founded.

My best friend was a weird one.

As if sensing my confusion,he finally decided to speak.

"So what you're saying is, you and some other people littered around the world are from a place hidden on earth are princes and princesses because you guys have more super powers than the rest of the people in your world and you only start having super powers at the age of 18?"

"Well,when you put it that way.......yes but I don't like seeing them as super powers. More like,we're mutated and our genotype...."

"Yardy har har. Enough of the science nerdpants."Aiden interrupted me.

That damn golden eyed boy!!

"So as I was saying before the devil interrupted...." I said while narrowing my eyes and him and Aiden just smirked

"We kind of have powers because of our mutations. We've always had them but they become noticeable at the age of 18...."

"So that's why you beat me that one time at GTA..." he said while rubbing his forehead. The damn boy interrupted me again.

I smirked."yeah....that's why I beat you. And Aid,I always beat u at GTA." I stated.

"yeah yeah,whatever. Go on. You were saying ?"

"Our powers only become noticeable at 18." i said. "I'm sorry for not telling you Aiden."

"It's ok Ana.... I think I understand why." he said in all seriousness.
And this people is why he's my best friend.

"It's ok,but you'll have to do something for me before I can forgive you." he continued.
Oh no. This can't be good. I knew it was too easy.

"you'll have to accept and say I'm the Supreme Overlord of GTA"

I smiled but changed into a face of fake agony and fell to the ground clutching my body.

"oh the agony! The endless agony!! Whyyyyyyy??? Ok fine you win. You, Aiden Black are the supreme Overlord of GTA...?" I said and rose from the ground. Rolling my eyes and folding my arms, I stared pointedly at him.

"Drama queen..." he muttered but smirked nonetheless.Regaining seriousness, he asked

"So,if you're Fryranan or whatever,why were you brought to this world,why do you need protection and why the training ?"

Huh! I was wondering the same thing.

Turning to Serv, I noticed he had already stood up and before I could say anything,he beat me to it.

"I'll answer all those questions at once. Fryrana is like any other world. Corrupt and people always trying to be greater than what they were meant to be no matter who or what they destroy to get to it. There was a group of people from the council of Fryrana that called themselves Larav who decided that they needed more power and they decided to take over both Fryrana and Earth. It was to be the greatest political coup in all history. There was just one problem. The special Fryranans like Swrenaylia here have enough power to stop their plans so they killed all the special ones in our world. I was in charge of the last 10 essences of special ones because of my link to the royal family and my competence and I devised a plan for them to be born as human babies and I and some friends followed these essences to earth to protect them. The king and queen were taken to safety, I don't know where but the rest of the council was killed and the Larav took over Fryrana putting our people in forced rule and lack of Choice. The last 10 special children are our last hope to regain what was once our beautiful and peaceful world." was this chapter ? Hope you enjoyed it.
Thanks for reading

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