Family dinner

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Paige was just getting dinner on the table as her daughter was helping to finish setting the silverware at each place. Dinner was served promptly at five o'clock every night.
"Ok, darling go tell nanna and poppie that it's time to eat."
Kendall bounced out of the kitchen with such a burst of energy that Paige couldn't help but laugh.
A few minutes later everyone was seated at the table. Paige began fixing her daughter's plate, unsure of what to say or how to start telling everyone her news.
"Paige, your very quiet tonight. Is something wrong?" Her mom and dad looked at each other from across the table. They were clearly concerned.
Paige looked up from her plate and laid her fork down when she realized she had been pushing her food around on her plate.
"Mom, dad, I do have something I wanted to talk to you about. A couple days ago there was an auction in town. It was a house and property that was for sale. I umm. I sort of bought it."
"You what?" Her mom's head snapped up and looked at her.
"I bought a house here in town. A nice place for Kendall and I to make a good life in. Its been good living here with you and dad but it's time I stand on my own two feet.
I know that it's going to take some fixing but it's a wonderful floor plan."
"How did you pay for it?" Her father wanted to know as he stuck another bite into his mouth.
"Well, when my tax check came in this year I stuck it into my savings. The house and property only sold for six thousand dollars."
"I don't know about this Paige. Jess, say something."
"Kate, she's 35 years old. I think it is good she gets out on her own and lives her life. She needs to take some responsibility in life."
"But Jess, what about Kendall?"
"Damn Kate, Paige is an adult, and she is a good mother. I think she can take care of the two of them. Coming back home was supposed to be temporary. Its been 5 years now."
"But can she afford it?"
"Mom, dad, please I am sitting right here. Stop talking as if I'm not."
"You said it needs some repairs. How are you going to do that? Fixing a house takes a lot of money." Her mother was still unconvinced.
"Mom, I want to do this. I know I can do this. Kendall and have to move on and lead an independent life."
"Mommy, are we moving?"
"Yes, peach we are."
"But I don't want to leave nanna and poppie. I will miss them."
"We will only be a couple miles down the road. We will still be able to see them anytime we want. And just think now you can have your very own bedroom. We will decorate it any way you want."
"Can it be pink? I want it to be pink!"
Of course. We can paint the walls pink and stick cutout foam letters across your bedroom door spell out your name. That way everyone will know it is your room."
"Yay Yay. I'm gonna have a pink room."
"Ok ok now finish your dinner, Kendall Ann!"
"Ok poppie" Kendall finished her dinner in record time due to her excitement. After which she ran to get her crayons and paper.
"What are you doing now?"
"I am gonna draw a picture for my new bedroom wall nanna."
Kate just shook her head and sighed. She was going to miss the noise and bustle of her granddaughter. She had run the house since she was one. Kendall was such a big ball of energy that the three adults had decided to sign her up in little league this coming spring to help run off some of that energy. It was the first of March now. They were all eagerly waiting for the signup form to come home from the school any day now.

Paige and her mom worked together to straighten the kitchen up after dinner while her father went into the family room to watch the news on the television.
"Don't worry mom we will only be down the road. It's not like we are moving to another town or state. We will still be living in Castieo. And if you want you can still watch Kendall after school until I get off work at 4:30 in the afternoons."
"Yes, darling I will always be here to watch Kendall while you work.
"I'm gonna go read for a while. What are your plans for the night?
"Well, mom I think I am going to write out my plans and ideas I have for fixing up the house. Then I'm going to get Kendall bathed and ready for bed. She has school in the morning."
"You're not going to do any writing tonight?" It was a routine of Paige's that she sat down to her computer and write.
She wrote articles and blog posts and reviews. She was even thinking about creating newsletters for businesses. She spent hours researching how to create them.
The money she made from her writing was put into a Christmas club account and into a college fund for her daughter.
"No mom, not tonight maybe tomorrow."
"Ok, darling have fun."
"I will mom."

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