Garden supply shopping

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Paige and Kendall spent the rest of the Saturday shopping for gardening supplies and the plants they wanted for the beautiful garden they had envisioned.
Their first stop was Wal-Mart for the supplies. "What kinds of stuff do we need mommy to make our garden?" Kendal asked as she skipped along beside her momma.
"Well peach, we need little shovels for digging the holes that the plants will go in." She replied. So they went looking for them.
Kendall was happy to see that they were small enough to fit in her little hands. She had been worried that she wouldn't be able to help her mommy with the planting.
"Next we need a hose and sprayer for the watering," Paige told her daughter. So off they went to look at the different types of hoses.
"Hey mommy, look, I saw this one on tv the other day," Kendall exclaimed excitedly.
Paige looked at the hose that caught her daughters attention. It was called "the pocket hose." It was different from the other big and bulky hoses. It was wrapped up in a small plastic package.
The package boasted that the hose started out small but grew as water flowed through it. Then as the water was turned off and was drained from the hose it would shrink back down to its smaller size.
It was easy to carry and easy to store when it wasn't in use. Like her daughter, Paige too became fascinated with the hose.
"What do you think peach, should we get this one?" She asked the bouncy little girl.
"Oh yes, mommy I like this one. It's cool!"
"Ok then put it in our cart and I will grab a sprayer." Paige looked at the small selection of sprayers and choose one She seemed to like.
"What's next mommy?"
"Well, now we need a couple hand-held hoes that we can use when we weed the garden."
"What is weeding the garden do?"
"Well peach, as the plants begin to grow in the garden, other plants known as weeds also start to grow. This can be bad for the good plants that you planted and want to grow."
"Why is it bad for them? Kendall wanted to know.
"Well, when the weeds grow they take up space and food from the plants that are supposed to be there and grow. When this happens, the good plants won't grow and will die."
"I don't want that to happen, mommy."
"I don't either so we will get these little hoes and spend some time every couple days making sure there are no weeds in our garden."
"Ok, we will do that. What's next?"
"Well let's see, we need some gardening gloves to protect our hands. Then we need some plant food for our plants. We could also get a pair of pruning shears."
"What are those used for?"
"You have to trim some of the plants sometimes. Trim off thorns or excess or dead leaves and sometimes dead stems. This helps to keep your plants healthy."
The two of them finished their trip through the garden supply section.
Next, they went out to the garden center where the plants were kept. Paige wanted to see what kind of selection they had.
They found most of what they were looking for. They found tomato plants and bell pepper plants and onion plants. They found lettuce seeds. There were zucchini and cucumber plants.
Next, they found raspberry, strawberry, and blueberry plants.they even found an Apple and peach tree.
The employees that worked in the garden center was even nice enough to help Paige and Kendall transfer everything into her dad's truck that she borrowed when she pulled up to the garden center for loading.
By the time they were done shopping the two of them were hungry. So Paige decided to treat them to a special meal at their favorite restaurant, the olive garden.
Kendall got a kick out of the fact that they went shopping for their garden and now they were going to eat at a restaurant named for a garden.
By the time they got home, they were worn out from a long day of hard work and shopping. Paige decided they would leave everything in the truck till morning.
They next went into the house and completed their nightly ritual of bath, pajamas, and teeth brushing.
Finely they cuddled onto the couch under a blanket and watched a movie before bed.


The next morning they slept in till about 9 am. Paige got up and dressed. Then she fixed breakfast for the two of them while Kendall got dressed.
Kendall was very excited about finely planting the garden that Paige had trouble keeping her focused on eating.
     After breakfast, Paige drove the truck around to the back of the house.  She pulled close to the turned up plot of earth where they were putting their little garden.
      "Ok peach, put these gloves on and take our shovels over to the dirt area. I will bring the tomatoes. We will start with them."
     "Ok mommy." And off she skipped.
     Together they worked all morning and most of the afternoon planting each little plant. Stopping only for a half hour for lunch.
     When they finish with all the various vegetables and the strawberries they searched the yard for the perfect spots for the blueberry and raspberry bushes.
     The two of them were exosted by the late afternoon when they finished, but they were happy with their results.
     As they entered the house Paige noticed how dirty they both had become from their activities. She promptly gave Kendall a bath and put her in her PJ's. Once that was done Kendall picked a movie she wanted to watch.
     "Now peach, you sit here and watch your movie. Moms going to take a shower too." Paige said as she put the movie in and started it up.
     Kendall crawled up on the couch in her favorite spot to watch monster high. "Ok mommy." She replied distractedly, her eyes were glued to the screen
     Paige started to feel so much better and clean from a long and exciting day of gardening.
     The hot water ran over her sore muscles so soothingly. She stayed in the shower enjoying the relaxation until the water began to turn colder.
     Turning the water off she dried herself off and put her own PJ's on. Then finally she brushed her teeth before heading in to join her girl on the couch.
This is where they spent the rest of the night till they headed to bed for the night.

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