Plans for a garden

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Paige and Kendall settled into their new home. They developed routines to get them through their days.
Paige would get Kendall off to school in the mornings. Then she would head to work. After Kendall got off school she would ride the bus to nannas. Where Paige picked her up after work.
Together they would get home and Paige would start dinner. Kendall would sit at the table and practice her handwriting. They would both talk about their day. How it went and what had happened.
When dinner was done and cleaned up Kendall would play in her room with her toys or watch a video while Paige did some of her writing. By 7:30 they would begin their bedtime routine.
Even Paige went to bed not long after putting her daughter to bed because they had to be up early the next morning.

It was the beginning of April and Paige decided it was a warm enough day to begin their garden in the back yard.
Picking up her phone and diled her dad. "Good morning dad." She said when he picked up.
"Good morning. How are you and Kendall getting along in the new house?"
"We're getting along pretty well. We have everything unpacked and put away. We hung pictures on the walls, so it's looking good."
"Well that's good to hear. I'm glad things are going well."
"Yes dad. That's kinda why I called. I was wondering if you weren't doing anything today, would you be able to help me till a spot in the back yard for a garden?"
"No, I don't have anything planned for the dat. I will be there in a little bit."
"Thanks dad. Maybe while you're tilling Kendall and I will run to Wal-Mart to get some gardening supplies, plants, and packets of seeds."
"That's good. Before you do that you will need to help me mark the boundaries of your garden."
"Ok dad, we'll see you when you get here."
Jessie pulled his tiller out of the truck and Paige grabbed the marking sticks and string. Together the three of them headed to the back yard.
Paige and her father spent several minutes looking and discussing where the best spot would be to place the garden. Once they had an idea they began marking a five
An hour later there was a knock on the door. Kendall ran to answer it, letting her beloved poppie in.
"Good morning dad" Paige greeted her father.
"Good morning kiddo. Let's get started shall we?" He replied.
They walked out to his truck to get the equipment. He grabbed the tiller and Paige grabbed the steaks and rope. Next they headed to the back yard.
Standing in the back yard, they plotted and planned the best place for her garden. They marked the five foot by five foot section with the rope and steaks.
Once this was done Jessie began tilling the area. He did a first pass through the entire area just to break the ground up. On the second deeper pass though the machine hit something that made him stop.
"Paige!" He yelled "Get the shovels out on the truck. Quickly."
Paige did as he asked returning to her father she handed him one of the shovels.
He began digging and pulled up a dirty clump. Paige took the clump from her father. Again he hit the ground with the tip of his shovel. And again hit something hard in the dirt so he dug it out. It was another clump.
As he kept digging Paige went back to his truck and pulled down the wheelbarrow. She pushed it into the back yard and put the clumps that her was digging up into it.
After a couple hours of Paige and Jessie digging up clumps out of the yard, he finely declared they got them all. The wheelbarrow was heeping over with clumps of what Jess thought was bricks.
"You get the hose and clean the dirt off the bricks while I finish tilling your garden. If they are in good shape we may be able to create a fire pit for the summer." He told her.
"Ok dad. That would be a great idea." She said and turned away to do what he said. The wheelbarrow was too heavy for her to push to push it over to the hose so her dad did it for her.
As he worked with the tiller she sprayed the bricks clean. She stacked them ten high and ten across. There were one hundred in all.
She was standing there looking down at the bricks with a stunned look on her face when Jess finished what he was doing and walked to where she was standing. His gaze followed hers and his jaw dropped.
"Dad? Is this what I think it is?" She asked as she continued to stare.
"Paige," He spoke in a whisper. "We need to get them back in the wheelbarrow fast. We will take them through the garage and into the house."
They worked fast and with purpose. All thoughts of the garden gone at the moment. They moved the bricks into Paige's bedroom on a corner and covered them up with a blanket.
"What do we do with all these dad?"
"Give me a couple days to research this. In the meantime don't say anything to anyone."
"Ok dad."
"Now, act as if nothing has happened and go shopping for your gardening stuff."
"Ok dad," and that's just what her and Kendall spent the rest of the day doing.
When they woke up the next morning the two girls spent their Sunday planting and watering their wonderful new garden.
Kendall was so excited that she couldn't wait until the fruits and veggies came up so they could eat them.

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