Love over Hate

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We are different colors,
We could all be different scholars,
Why does humanity have to hate?
Is it their horrid fate?
People look at the appearance,
Others struggle with perseverance,
Like a race that hate others,
But really we are all brothers,
A religion trying to takeover,
Women pressured to do a makeover,
It's all because of sin,
Since the time where it all begin,
Our world is dying,
Nature is crying,
It's all about unnecessary fame,
Yet people don't feel ashamed,
People are doing drugs,
When it could damage their lungs,
Teenagers listening to wrong advice,
And they don't even think twice,
Young people committing suicide,
By being destroyed from the inside,
But life is a special gift,
We need to give their soul a lift,
Somebody said this world is cold,
And that this is being told,
In this generation,
We are creating infestation,
Can we replace all this negative?
And change it to positive?
Yes there are good people out there,
But social media makes it rare,
A strong positive emotion of love,
To the people that they are beloved,
Let's spread the good fruits,
And not war that pollutes,
Kill them with kindness,
And let hatred be mindless...

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