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well it looks like
you don't need
me anymore.

but that's okay
because you'll
regret it when
i'm gone for good.

wether if my body
is a part of this
earth's ground
or if I change into
a new page.

you'll see later
on what you
have lost. you'll
wish you had
never didn't walk
out of my life.

i was there when
you were down.
when you felt like
the world was
against you. but
you walked out
on me like nothing.

as if I never
existed. or a part
of your chapter
stories anymore. but
its okay because
people come and go.
ain't that reality to us?
people change I know.

its part of growing
up. wether we like
it or not. we all have
to deal with it
somehow. i write this
to those that have
moved on but had
thought of me out
of no where with regret.

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