My Special Day

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The starting day of my special birthday,
I knew the memories would not be taken away,

I ran outside to see the rise of the sun,
With my cousin to have some fun,

It was one of my dreams what I wanted to see,
Is one of the peaceful moments I like to be,

The sun shimmers in the ocean with a bling,
I felt like my heart wanted to sing,

Me and my cousin took pictures,
I wanted to write these moments down like literatures,

I can't believe my parents sacrificed for me,
To do my 15 birthday by the sea,

We went back to our motel,
I'm thinking what is the difference between a motel and a hotel?

Soon I had to get ready,
Also I had to calm my self to steady,

There was practice what I had to do,
Some of my family too,

Not all of my family came,
But some of them did and I was in fame,

In the room I was getting dressed,
I felt very blessed,

My mother's friend did my makeup in all,
Still I thought I look small,

Soon the big day was getting started,
I felt like this day just came all darted,

My birthday is in the winter,
And that day was cold so it gave me a shiver,

My special birthday party was winter wonderland,
But we did it in a motel next to the beach and sand,

I was having fun with my friends and family,
I knew this day will end happily,

Then my birthday party was over,
Me and some of my family went to walk outside on the beach and saw airplanes hover,

Walking outside on the beach on a chilly night,
The stars were indeed very bright,

There was a shooting star I saw,
It was beautiful as beautiful as my friend could draw,

Though my special day went by fast,
I knew this memory of that day will forever last.

Author's Note: I wrote this poem of my special day of my 15 birthday, which is my Quince in Spanish celebrations where a girl is about to become a young women. So this poem took time for me to make. Yes that's a picture of me there at the beach that day, if you were wondering. I wanted to share my special day with you guys through my writings. I hoped you guys liked it!

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