Love Is A Fairytale In Teenagers World

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In a teenage world,
That's in a swirl,
Love is a fairytale,
Their love don't last long,
And they fail,
It's no longer a love song,
They break up,
Then things go in a dump,
It breaks them apart,
Then destroyed their heart,
They once believe it was true love,
But then it disappeared above,
Focus on other things in your life,
Not in crazy relationship strife,
Remember you are young,
Do your work in school to begun,
You'll find love when you're older,
Just wait then later on you will see,
You will grow bolder,
In life be the happiest person you can be.

Author's Note: I'm not trying to offend people here. I'm just saying in mostly my opinion that love doesn't last long when your in a relationship as a teenager. I barely see teens that are still together more than a year. I mostly see teens relationship that last about a few weeks or a few months. The longest teen relationship that I saw in my entire life was two years. It is possible that teenage relationships can last longer when their an adults. Most of the time they don't last long. But I hope you guys like the poem!

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