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Ugly+Geek+Clumsy+Nerd. Put them all together = Jasmine Grace.

Not much of a name huh? Not much of a face either. I'm pathetic. I have low self-esteem and no confidence in myself. I'm horribly insecure and I'm also a cast out. And if there's anyone afraid of the sun, that's me. Sunphobic, as i'd like to call it.

School is hell. Bedroom sanctuary.

Most teens think high school is fun. Well it's supposed to be, but in my case it's the other way around since I'm the one made fun of.

Everyday I get bullied. Everyday I'm pushed around for amusement. Some pity me, but no one bothers to help, and others simply don't care. Many fear that if they interfere every time I am made a laughingstock, they too would get involved. And trust me, what I go through is no joke. Of course, no sane person would want to share my pathetic fate.

I always wear a hood to school and never let my hair up to hide my ugly face. Also in hopes that my persecutors won't recognize me and leave me alone.

As I walk through the hallway to my locker, I make sure to keep my head down and avoid eye contact. I pick up my books and head to the classroom with my eyes glued on the floor. But before I could get to the door of our room someone suddenly pulls my hood down and bumps on my shoulder real hard I fall to the floor, my books scattering everywhere.

No one moved to help, instead they just watch the scene unfold while some walk away whispering. I can't blame them though. No one would dare to cross the cheer leading squad's captain, a.k.a the Campus Bitch, Rhea. And not only that, she is also the girlfriend of our football varsity's quarterback, leader of the Jocks, Mason. Who by the way, isn't exactly a fan of mine. Screw my luck..

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the ugly duckling," Mason sneered.

"Don't worry honey, I'll make sure you never turn into a swan," Rhea kicks a book by her foot. And because I'm looking down at the floor, the book comes sailing and hits me squarely on the forehead.

They pass by me laughing, their stupid minions behind them.

Curious of how I became such an amusement to them?

Meet Rhea, my ex-best friend. Nice right? And Mason? Well he was my crush BEFORE.

Rhea, being my best friend, naturally should know all my secrets. So of course I tell her about my infatuation towards Mason dear. She said that she would help me get closer to Mason which was good news for me and so I was very happy that I had Rhea to help me. I was very grateful and I trusted her so much and the inevitable happened. THEY got closer, and THEY ended up together. And they would actually flirt and display their affection right in front of me. It's kind of like Rhea's way of saying that she's better than me? But there came a time when I finally got full of everything. I remember pulling Rhea by the arm to one corner and tried talking to her. But she lashed out at me and of course I had to defend myself so there came a cat fight. And of course as her boyfriend, Mason comes to the rescue. Ever since then, I try my best to avoid and ignore them but they have decided to continue their silly little game of making my life a living hell.

I pick up my books and  stand up to open the door, but unfortunately, a fate even worse than having your books scattered all over the hallway awaited me inside. I look up as I hear a snapping sound, a very bad move on my part, because then my face got hit full force with some yellow slimy substance, which I recognized later on as egg yolk. I spluttered and gasped as I tried to get out of range but then something hits me hard on the back with a cracking sound. I thought I broke something but it was just actually the sound of shell cracking. I ducked and slipped on the slippery floor. Thankfully I didn't sprain myself while I was falling. I then assumed a fetal position, trying in vain to protect myself from the eggs that were being hurled at me from every direction. 

I should have expected this kind of greeting since today is my birthday. We have this kind of tradition before when someone was celebrating their birthday, he or she would get attacked with eggs and flour. Some others would prepare cake and have an icing fight. How I wish they were spraying whipped cream at me instead of pelting me with slimy rotten eggs.

Of all the things that they decide to throw at me eggs are my least favorite. Rhea knows how I despise slimy substances and the egg's stench won't easily come off.

When they finally ran out of ammo, I wait for a few minutes before attempting to stand up. Unfortunately, as I lift my head I get hit full on the face with flour. 

Cue the applause. Grander please.

I endured it all. I would assure myself every time they bully me that I would get used to it. But why does it feel like the scar is reopening every time they pick on me? Unknowingly, a tear escaped my eye.

I tried my best to wipe off the eggs and flour from my face which were already beginning to dry but I couldn't do anything with the stuff that's stuck in my hair. I walked to my chair and was about to take a seat when someone pulls the chair away and I go straight down on the floor once again. My entire body now feels severely bruised and I am in extreme pain both physically and psychologically. The pain I could endure but the humiliation is intolerable, I try my best to fight back tears but I still choke out a sob, so I clamp my mouth with my slimy hand.

"How pityful" Rhea cooed with false sympathy "That's what you get when you don't think wisely of who you cross paths with." she said with a pout

That was a long time ago, yet she still insists on using it as a reason to bully me.

"Good morning class I--------" whatever our homeroom adviser was about to say was cut off due to the mess she now faced at the door to our classroom. "Mason  what's happening here? And why does Jasmine look like that?" she demanded.

Mason just shrugged in reply while his cronies suppressed sniggers behind him.

"Please stop this abusive behavior!" she begged. She approached me and tried to wipe off the remaining flour off my face with her handkerchief.

"So what Kath?" Mason replied breezily.

Our adviser released an exasperated sigh then turned around to face him. "DETENTION." she sweeps her vision to everyone who was clearly involved. "ALL OF YOU." Miss Katherine was the only person in this school who could stand up to Mason, her being siblings with him. No one can really control him out of their fear because of the power and money his dad possesses. Miss Kath chose a teaching profession despite of their wealth because it was her passion, and I am thankful that there's at least someone who sympathizes with me and actually helps.

She turns her attention to me again, "Do you want to take the day off? I'll explain everything to the other subject teachers." she says softly.

If I go home looking like this my mom's gonna see me, she'll figure out what happened and that could lead to a lot of unwanted possibilities, that would give me more attention, which I seriously don't need at the moment. Now I don't want that.

Slowly I shake my head.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes" I say quietly.

Then I heard another voice.

"Can I come in now?"

Our adviser seemed to remember that she still had a guest to introduce to us.

"I'm sorry mister Gilbert but it seems that we have a situation here. I believe we will have to evacuate to the next room while these people," she casts Mason and Rhea's group a pointed look, "scrub this room clean from the mess they made."

Everyone silently filed out of the classroom, taking extra caution to not step on any slime which was a hard task since broken eggs were everywhere. Our adviser offered to escort me to the shower room so I could clean up myself but I politely turned her down. I wasn't used to getting help from other people and I don't want to be a hassle to them.

I walk away on my own and everyone started staring and pointing at me. They were whispering audibly and I'm used to that but somehow this time I sensed something strange. So I decide to scan the crowd, something I would never do before. When I looked back I lock eyes with the exchange student. He was staring at me with an unreadable expression it made me blush, so I quickly turn away so he wouldn't notice and continue walking.

My MiracleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang