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"Jaz, will you accompany me?"

We're inside Miss Katherines office, and I'm helping her with some paper works.


"Actually, you're required to come with me because you are the Campus Princess"

"Pfft, that's not even a thing and even if it was what does it have to do with this school affair?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"My dear, that sort of makes you the school muse."

"How so?"

"Look, will you accompany me or not?" Miss Kath asked, rather irritated, "it's a masquerade ball that involves the school. I was chosen as one of the representatives since I'm the only faculty member without a family." Miss Kath made a face.

I laughed, "sounds fun, but one has to have an escort to go to events like that right?"

Miss Kath blushed. Which was kind of obvious because of her pale complexion.

"Ohhhh, you're not telling me something are you?" I poked her in the ribs teasingly.

"Stop I'm ticklish!" she tried to swat my hand away.

"Who's your escort? WHO?"

She tucked some of her hair behind her ear,"Uhm, Sir Eric," she answered in a small voice.

"WHAT?!!" I suddenly went hysterical.

Sir Eric is apparently the super hottie new English teacher with the super hot British accent. LORD APOLLO he is such a turn on, I am so envious of Miss Kath right now.

"Do you like him? Holy Aphrodite! He fancies you doesn't he! Oh my gods!"

"Sshhhh! Will you be quiet! If somebody hears you I will definitely fail you, mark my words," she threatened in a harsh whisper.

"Okay, okay I'll stop, but what about me? Who's my escort? Is he as hot as yours? He better be."

"Hmm, I think it's the transfer student"

Transfer Student? I didn't know we have a transfer student, since when?


"I don't know. He's still due to arrive tomorrow."

So basically he's yet to arrive tomorrow and he's already invited to a school affair? Who is this guy?

"But isn't the party tomorrow evening?"

"That's not our problem, that's his. And don't worry about your gown for tomorrow, it has all been taken care of, you just make sure you don't have eye bags tomorrow."

I gave her a salute "Yes Boss!"

※   ※   ※

The following day, I was busy helping Miss Kath, so I hadn't had the chance to see who the transfer student was, but I have heard a lot of whispers in the hallway about him

"Have you seen the new student in the section 4A-2?"

I overheard two junior girls talking near the stair case.

"Omg, I know right. A total cutie."

I approached their small group, "Hmm, really now?"

"Hi Jaz" they greeted in unison.

"From a scale of one to ten how would you rate him, ten being the highest"

They looked at each other,then with a look that pretty much indicated that they were having the same answer, "Perfect TEN!" they answered.

I chuckled, "Oh really"

One of them nodded vigorously, while the other just smiled.

"You look good together by the way." says the girl.

"Oh shut it, Jaz has only room for one guy in her heart right now." says the other.

I laughed, "Okay girls, I'll be going on ahead."

I waved them good bye and started up the stairs. When I reached the landing, I passed by three girls whose topic was also the transfer student.

"Handsome fellow ain't he?"

"True. Even his back looked good."

"I heard that he's a model."

Now I'm even more excited to see and meet this guy. I wonder just how good he looks that everyone keeps talking about him. They make him sound like he looks like Apollo.

I glanced towards 4A-2's door and saw the transfer students back.

Too bad we weren't classmates since I was in the section 4A-1.

※   ※   ※

I was walking down the hallway, when I noticed some girls clamoring. My guess, it was the transfer student they were circling. I had no plans to butt into them. These girls act like this is the first time they ever saw someone good looking.

"Miss Jasmine!"

"Ugh, what is with the Miss?!" I turned to face a boy from my room.

"I was just kidding around," he held up two fingers in a peace sign.

"Stop pulling my leg. What's up?"

He smirked, "Miss Kath is waiting for you, she says that the two of you need to start getting ready."

"Oh, okay."

My gaze traveled to the girls clamoring nearby. I cocked my head toward them, "And him?" I meant the transfer student "aren't you gonna give him a heads up?"

The guy seemed puzzled and glanced toward their direction. "Who, that popular guy? No way I'm going anywhere near that mob Jaz, I'll get harassed and that's a pretty big hassle for me. No, thank you."

"I agree" I said while laughing

So instead, he accompanied me to the faculty room where Miss KAth made me try on different itchy dresses that had a lot of bling-blings on it. After I chose one that I was comfortable in, we proceeded in making our masks. Oh I am so ready for tonight. I wonder if Luke will be there..

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