Chapter 5

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Oh boi! this is where the good stuff comes. This chapter is where the chunnin exams begin, oh man I can't wait to write it 👍👍👍👍👍. Im skipping to the first part of the exams thought because I don't feel like it.
"Hello" - human speaking
'Hello' - human thinking
"Hello" - bjiiu/summons
Shadow clone - justu
Naruto, Touka and Tsukiyama opened a wooden door that separated them from the rest of the gennin. It was a classroom he had seen during his time before running away from the leaf, he saw the rookie 9 plus Sai had already arrived inside the academy classroom so they went up to them, only to be noticed by Kiba "oh its them" he said with a smirk making the rest of the rookies look at their direction.
Naruko had a cheerful smile and yelling, Sasuke was brooding as usual, Sakura was staring at her crush with stars in her eyes and the rest just stood there until a grey haired gennin came walking to their way "shhhhh stop being so loud, those gennin behide you are from the hidden rain village and are really tense" he pointed at the three behind them but Naruto just glared at them while pouring a small douse of killer intent at them, making them pale and shit themselves. He said in a serious tone "see? Not that tense are they" "anyway my name is Kabuto and these are info cards that i have collected over seven chunin exams-" he was then interrupted by Kiba "That means you suck" he said after which he laughed "yes but that means that i have some info on other gennin here" he said showing them blank cards "I want to learn about Rock lee, Gaara of the desert and him" Sasuke finished witb a finger pointed at Naruto who rolled his only visible eye, then Kabuto took one of his cards and read out loud "Rock lee, a shinobi from the leaf, no nin or genjustu but extremely high taijustu 19 d ranks and 4 c ranks,
Gaara if the desert, a shinobi from the hidden sand, no known skills but not once been scratched, 8 d ranks, 16, c rank and .... oh wow 2 b ranks" he said making the rest drop their jaws except team 13 and shino "ok lucky last, Naruto Kaneki" Kabuto said making Naruko frown because he changed his name
"He's recently become a leaf shinobi, extremely high nin, gen and taijustu, his chakra capacity is through the roof and his mission count is 36 d ranks, 31 c rank and 1 a rank as well as 1 solo s rank, he is known in the bingo book as the 'black centipede' due to his ......... unique way of killing" he finished with a shiver which caused the rest to flinch. Then their was a poof of smoke to reveal a large man with a black coat and the interrogator's uniform with gloves as well as a bandana that covered his forehead "ALRIGHT YOU LITTLE SHITS SIT DOWN" he yelled the man as they struggled to get to their sats
"My name is Ibiki and I'll be the protractor of the first part of the chunnin exams" he said with a smirk.
Author's note:
Ok thats another chapter done 😅😅😅😅😅😅😃😃😃😃😃😃 hope it is a little better then the last one? Bye

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