Chapter 6

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Hey there! I finally feel like writing again so here is the new chapter! I should make Sasuke vs Naruto because 🤔............. i can

"Hello" - human speaking
'Hello' - human thinking
"Hello"- Bjiiu/summons speaking/Yelling
'Hello' - Bjiiu/summon thinking
Shadow clone - Jutsu

I don't own Tokyo ghoul or Naruto
The first stage was a written test that had ten questions that were about chunin level so they all tried to cheat. Of cause there was a few that were caught and were kicked out. Naruto give answers to Touka and Tsukiyama via special hand signals that no one but them understood, Team 7 used different methods like Sasuke using his sharingan to copy the hand movement, Naruko using Shadow clones to send memories to her when they find answers and Sakura just used her books smarts to answers.
"Alright times up, the time for the tenth question is about to start, but you can decide to take it but if you do, your banned from taking the chunin exams ever" he said with a "what" as a reply. Team 13 wasn't listening as they were discussing things about the other stages like the next one until they heard a "you all pass"

(Time skip brought to you by Kakashi's Make out tactics)
In the second stage, they had to get both of the scrolls heaven and earth then get to the castle check point. All of them face a Team from the Hidden Stone, which they found 2 earth scroll ironically but needed it nonetheless. They were about to get to the gate when they spotted the Uchiha shrouded with purple, evil chakra. They decided to approach them when Sasuke, that has flame like markings spreading all over his skin from his neck, turned seeing the three he yelled while smirking "I'll make a example of you by beating you here, you pathetic piece of trash!" He said trying to right hook Naruto but failed when said gennin caught it and kicked him in the chin, causing the ravenette to cough blood as he landed on the grassy grounds with the marking returning to the base of his neck, shocking the nearby teams "you can take your teammate before i eat him" he said while cracking his index finger with his thumb, sending a chill up everybody's spine except Touka and Tsukiyama

(Timeskip brought to you by Rize's eating habits)
Hayate Gekko coughing, drew the attention of the gennin to the huge screen in the stadium where the matchs for a spot in the finals due to having alot of gennin passing
(Sakura vs Ino)
The match was by far the fast match ever with a good minute of virtual insults then knocking each other out
(Shikamaru vs Kin)
The Nara caught the Sound ninja into his Shadow Imitation technique made her knock herself out by hitting the wall with her head. Smashing
(Shino vs Zaku)
Shino used his bugs to plug Zaku's arms which exploded into a bloody mess when he tried to unleash his Decapitating Airwaves[?]
(Tenten vs Temari)
Temari used her battle fan to force all of Tenten's weapons back, while hurling a whirlwind at her opponent
(Lee vs gaara)
Gaara ended the match and lee's career by crushing his leg and arm with sand manipulation (i'm making Gaara good in this one)
(Sasuke vs Naruto)
The Two at each other with looks of boredom and fury as they leaped off the balcony. Hayate approach the chunnin hopefuls coughing he asked with a hint of tiredness "are you to ready?" He said which he got a nod from both boys "then begin!" He yelled moving back. Sasuke was the first to attack as he tried to aim a punch to his opponent's masked face but was caught from the palm of his hand, Naruto connected a kick to his stomach causing Sasuke to fall on his back and then leaping and smashing his heel into the Uchiha's stomach again. Sasuke, being the little bitch he is, got up and yelled at him "Who is Training you? It Should be Me, A Uchiha, that deserves this power!" He yelled pointing a accused finger at the frost haired gennin "my skills are none of your business and the one who trained me died a long time ago" he said closing his eyes, contemplating on his fallen sensei

A 8 year old Naruto was walking down a dirt path in lightning county, looking at the ground unaware of the person in front of him until......... *bump* he finally looked up at the stranger, snowflake flat hair that reached above his eyes, one of which was covered by a black, half mask that resembled a frankenstein with the bolts around the neck around of the mask, he wore mostly black with a pair of toeless boots "who are you?" He said with a dead tone that would normally scare a child but found that the boy had stood his ground like a veteran who showed no one he was cowardly "My name is Naruto, sorry about bumping into you" he said trying to leave but was blocked by the stranger "you look like you can handle yourself but would you like some training young one?" He said with a caring voice that one might not expect from his appearance, and with this Naruto's eyes widened at that and in return he nodded "my name is Ken Kanaki, and from this day on, i will train you in all i know" the newly named Kanaki stated. It was one of the many life changing moments Naruto has ever  had

(Flashback End)
Naruto reopened his eyes to show that the iris turned from the bright pink to bloodshot red and the sclera changed from the pure white to pitch black with red veins popping out around the skin of his eyes which shocked everybody except his teammates with their main thoughts were 'how does he have the Sharingan!' But broke out of it when they heard him cracking his index finger with his thump like before and said "play times over" (play unravel) as a set of tentacle like limbs come out of his back "this is where the true fight begins!" He yelled unzipping the zipper on the mask he wore.
Author's note:
Sorry I took so long to update this story, i felt lazy and I apologise i will start a poll on what Naruto's summons should be. Comment

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