Chapter 9

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Hello there, its me with a new chapter for you 👌👌👌👌🙂🙂🙂 enjoy
"Hello" - human speaking
"Hello" - human thinking
"Hello" - Bjiiu /summons/yelling
Shadow clone - Justu

I don't own Tokyo ghoul or Naruto
After losing to Dosu Kiuta, Tsukiyama could be seen sitting in a corner near his team as his wounds had already healed, looking down with a comical thunder cloud over him. Naruto tried to cheer his teammate asking him in joining the hunt, which was set up originally for a date with his girlfriend and like magic Tsukiyama was grinning like a certain fox

"ACHOO" the Kyuubi roared as mucus sprayed everywhere and everything shook from the power from the sneeze "apparently someone is talking about the most powerful creature alive" he said prideful, a toothy grin planted on his face.

After the final match was done, the gennin were called by the Hokage to come forward to get a numbered sheet "8" spoke Naruto as he scowled at Minato, "troublesome 3" replies Shikamaru "6" "1" "5" "4" "2" "9" "7" spoke Touka, Shino, Dosu, Temari, Kankuro, Naruko and Gaara respectfully the monitor than displayed the matchs for the thrid exam: Naruko vs Shino, Kankuro vs Gaara, Touka vs Temari, Dosu vs Shikamaru and Naruto vs the winner of the forth match. Minato, after announcing the match ups that would be happening during the finals, then stood up from his seat "now you will all get a months period to prepare yourself for the finals" he said with a smile before specking "but i would like Naruto, Touka, Tsukiyama to come to my office after" he spoke with his official Kage voice. 'What are you hiding from us' Minato thought when he stared at the three gennin

When they all arrived to the Hokage's office, Naruto and the others were tapping his feet to the ground impatiently, i mean coming from the original 'Yellow Flash of the Leaf' he was extremely slow to arrive on time, hell they even thought that Kakashi's habit of being late came from Obito (yes in this story he came back and Rin never died) but no it was from Minato. Then a bright yellow flash arrived and engulfed the room until it stopped and in its place was the Fourth Hokage. Minato then put his finger tips together and rested his elbows onto his hard rounded desk that sat in his office, his face in a stern expression that only appeared if their was to be a important meeting or anything important at all, eyes looked at them as if a member of the Yuki clan were to use their clan techniques on you. He spoke after a long silence that threatened to shield the truth (which in their case was like a child in a candy store with the facial expression he'd make) from him "so you know why i called you all here?" Minato said with a demanding hint in his voice "no we don't" His son replied with a some hint of sarcasm, which caused him to sigh at the narrowing eyes of the kage in front of them "i called you here due to the techniques you known, if i may, i would like to know if this is a new kekkei genkai or is a new type of complex Justu?" Naruto could only sigh at his father, thinking that he could simply get a simple answer, he could tell by the look in his azure blue eyes but what was really funny about it was the fact that he thought it was teachable with having huge risks, "none of the above" was all Naruto said with his emotionless voice he had when the two spoke confusing Minato more

"the Kagune is not a bloodline nor a complex Justu, its a natural phenomenon that occurs in 1 in 10 children born from a clan or a human jailer. This is caused when 1 or both parents have strong chakra, has a symbolic bond with a creature or have naturally huge receives, the child's DNA is then altered due to the fact that nature chakra is being absorbed at a slow pace during the 1st month of pregnancy which starts the period of forming of the creation of the RC cells *inhales* these cells may form a ghoul's predatory organ or Kagune. This Kagune come into four groups that at superior and inferior to each other, first is the wing shaped Ukaku, which can be used both in long to close range offensively, its users at extremely fast and agile but they have short stamina. They have the advantage on bikaku user and disadvantages on a koukaku user, *inhales* koukaku users have a Kagune that are like a hard steel shell that can be shaped to anything from a sword to drill or a shield to protect yourself with but because its so heavy its hard to move around thus having the disadvantage against Rinkaku users and advantage against Ukaku users because they can easily shield themselves, Bikaku are shaped like tails and are balanced so they have no exact weaknesses to be afraid of. They have a disadvantage against Ukaku users and have advantages of Rinkaku users. Finally the Rinkaku is a tentacle shaped, completely offensive Kagune whose brute force can shatter the defending capability of a Koukaku user. They also, due to RC cells easily bonding to each other, have a high regeneration but because of it they have little to no defence also their Kagune can be cut fairly easily as the bonds of the RC cells are weak. They have advantages on Koukaku and disadvantages on bikaku users" Naruto said with utmost depth and detail. With this new information, Minato spoke with a questioning tone "so is it possible for Naruko to obtain it?" "No, as i said 1 out of 10 children" spoke the Black Centipede with his trademark emotionless voice toward his father as he looked at him in disgust "also Naruto i would like if you retake the clan-" Minato spoke until he turned his chair to look at the group to find nothing there.
Minato could only sigh and looked out his office window to look at the setting sun.
Author's note:
Sorry I hadn't been writing or updating my story and I hope you enjoyed this chapter bye bye

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