Chapter 7

759 7 2

Hey there, so far on my poll, these are the results;
.Snakes - 0
.Dragons - 1
.Centipedes -0
.Fox - 0
.Crows - 1
.spiders - 1

"Hello" - human speaking
'Hello' - human thinking
"Hello" - Bjiiu/summons/yelling
Shadow clone - Justu

I don't own Tokyo ghoul or Naruto
Naruto summoning his kagune, making his weapon of choice extend from his lower back. His Kagune was a dark green in color with its red veins showing from underneath the scales that covered it, at the end was a spike that was curled at the point which in turn made it look like a thorny hook. Minato, Kushina and the jonnin except Rize who knew about it, examined this and what shocked him was that it didn't look like it needed chakra to be sustained, "So you were holding back but no matter you can't beat a Uchiha" he said but finally pointing to his liquid muscles "and after I defeat you, you will give me this power!" He yelled grabbing his kunai running after Naruto as said person rushing at Sasuke at a faster speed then him due to being a ghoul. He made his Kagune shoot the sky till it was half way to the roof of the stadium straight, then let it slam down "Take this Kagune: Timber!" He yelled the technique as his Kagune fall to the ground with enough force to shatter the cement floor and force Sasuke to the fall to the ground from the attack, shocking everyone from the impact, The apparent 'elite' on the floor and fuming at the strength that was displayed, thinking it should of been him having this power but unaware that he couldn't, no matter what he did before he knocked unconscious by a cement slab that hit him in the forehead causing a lump to grow there. (and now boruto the movie pairings make sense)

(With Rize)
Rize, who was against the bars, was smirking thinking that her gennin had it in the bag. Knowing about Naruto being a ghoul he had a huge advantage against even the Uchiha, but was thinking that she was probably going to be questioned after this, Kakashi was lifting his headband to use his most famous feature the Sharingan to see what it was and to his shock and to Rize's delight, could not see the chakra in it but rather a circuit of thin blue lines with red ones circulating in the opposite direction 'Naruto what happened to you when you left?' Was his only thought until the binge-eater came up to him "Rize, what is that red chakra circulating in Naruto" he said confused about the mysterious source that he found, because knowing said gennin's twin having the chakra and Naruto have the soul. His answer arrived, which confused him more when She said "its not chakra but something similar" she said with a bored tone before yelling "way to go!"

(With Naruto)
Naruto was smirking under his mask, he was holding back even now but was allowed to show half of what he can. Inside though he was being to feel hungry for something, fishing though his pouch he found a red ball the size of a thumb and placed it inside his mouth and chomped down to get the satisfying taste of blood and flesh, the thing was a bloody meatball for ghouls. Genma got out of his shock to say that Naruto was the winner, our favourite gennin nodded with a hidden grin that would have made others shiver if they saw

(With Minato)
Minato didn't know anymore. Seeing everything from fellow shinobi spit fireballs from their mouth to the shinigami, he had never predicted that his son had this type of skill but who knew? His team? Maybe he could get Rize, Naruto's sensei to teach Naruko that same justu or........ was he experimenting on himself like Orchimaru?! He thought about it he needed to know, he will get team 11 to tell him everything
Author's Note:
Did you enjoy this chapter, my fellow readers? I hope you did because it took awhile to. Touka's fight is going to be in the next chapter. Bye

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