It Takes a Little Moonlight (JeanMarco)

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It had been a while since they'd been able to spend time alone with one another-between freshman year of college and other obligations, what with Marco getting a part time job and Jean putting in volunteer hours in the chemistry lab, it was impossible to hang out as a group half the time, let alone as just the two of them. Nine times out of ten, when one person was off of work for the day, the other was just going in, had papers due, or had some familial obligation or another to contend with. It seemed to be putting some small amount of pressure on all of their friendships and honestly no one was hanging out with anyone as much as they used to. After all, this was the time in life where you rather unfortunately began to see what friends were really friends and what ones weren't. It was one of Life's harsher realities, understanding first hand that your high school relationships often didn't translate into life-long friendships.

But from Jean's perspective there also seemed to be a bit of extra stress on just them. He and Marco rarely saw one another now. They used to hang out nearly every day after class and one was over the others' house so often on weekends that their mothers both just called them their collective sons. It was a running joke between their families that they were long lost soul twins finally come back into one area. Lately though they'd gotten to see one another a few times within a month, and not a one of those times allowed them to recoup as best friends on their own.

They still got to chatting every night over Messenger or Skype or whatever was easiest for them at the time. Marco still sent Jean snaps of him lounging in the sun watching one of his fifty friggen siblings or making some awful face over his literal piles of homework he took home weekly. It just felt like the conversations were getting duller, less intimate, more stressing about finals and less 'hey how was your day.' It was starting to really make Jean feel like there was something wrong between the both of them. He didn't say anything, didn't behave differently, because neither did Marco so why should he? But he still felt like there wasn't time for them, wasn't time for intimacy, wasn't time for just them.

'Just them.' What did that even mean? He wiped a finger under his nose only half consciously, taking a lengthy and contemplative pull off of his vodka cooler and making a face at the flavor. There was no way that was watermelon lime. Disgusting, but sure as hell not watermelon lime. Who the hell even did the marketing for these things anyways? Like seriously what moron put those flavors together and thought 'Hey this is vaguely reminiscent of watermelon and cleaning product mixed with medicine, let's vodka that shit up!'

With a small sigh he let his thoughts return to themselves and he really focused this time. What did 'just them' mean...? They weren't an item, they were best friends. Yeah? That wasn't to say they hadn't done their small share of experimenting when they were younger but what friends didn't do that kinda shit together anyways? It just hadn't progressed further than the experimental stage because, well. Just because.

He and Marco had kissed once more recently though. It had been at the last party they'd gone to together at Connie's place. It was a late night after mid-terms and everyone was in hardcore de-stress mode and by this time, party swinging and music screaming, most of them were more than a little sloshed. SO it came about that Jean, Eren, Marco, and Annie were all racing to see who could slam down ten birthday cake shots the fastest (granted, it wasn't one of their brightest moments, because that shit was strong) and by the end of it, Eren and Annie had dared the other two to make out, for whatever weird voyeuristic shit faced pleasure they could get.

Things had gotten a little steamy and Jean in his drunken geniusness had told the brunette that he loved his freckles and wanted to kiss every single one of them in between their sloppy battle of tongue and lip. He then overzealously told him he'd trace each one into the skies because even the stars couldn't rival their sweet kind of beauty. And Marco, well, he was just as gone as everyone else, so he had teared up and cried all over Jean about how he'd always kind of hated his freckles because he used to get teased for them. Somewhere in the comforting and the weeping, their lips had collided once again and they'd really kissed and no one else was there to see it because Eren had passed out on the couch and Annie was probably upstairs puking.

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