Chapter Five

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Walking through the front gates, filled with fear or worry or something, Paige eyes a small group of teens, soon to be fellow classmates; none of them have uniforms on which makes the footballers and cheer leaders stand out like a sore thumb with them standing by the door like guards or something as she walks by. Swinging open the large double doors, Paige is met with a busy hallway and right down the end of said hallway is Peter, Ned and Michelle AKA salvation. Paige would like to go her first day without causing trouble or talking to too many people. The anxiety she feels keeps her on her toes -and what peter calls the Spidey sense, on alert.

Unfortunately that hope is dashed when a dark haired boy of what appears to be Indian decent with way too much product in his hair, steps in front of Paige. She tries to step around him but he stands firm between her and her friends. Familiarity...

'Hey, you're the new chick right? I'm Flash, the star of the decathlon team, do you need someone to show you around?' the cocky boy says as he sways a little closer to Paige, she has to refrain from punching the kid seeing as that would be 'Causing trouble' so she puts on a fake smile.

'Huh, funny 'cause I thought Peter was the star of the decathlon team.' Paige tilts her head with a smile and smiles a little wider when she sees Flash's shoulders slump as he shoots Peter a death glare down the end of the hall. Pushing past the boy, she makes her way through the other groups of teenagers towards her friends.

Flash follows Paige down the hall, 'How long have you known Parker?' Flash says through gritted teeth, trying to hide the jealously of his stolen lime light.

'About three months now.' Paige doesn't fall out of step to answer and continues to stomp towards Peter and the others, Salvation.

Flash Turns away when she finally greets Peter and the others, seeing as though he won't be wining any brownie points from her today. Peter, Ned and Michelle all greet their newest classmate, sharing classes and figuring out which ones they have together.

Paige's first class for the day was biology, good an easy class, she thinks to herself. Biology is her specialty as well as chemistry, physics, psychology and really any kind of science. Mathematics she could fly through no problem but it wasn't her favourite.

Paige walks in to the class room to see large lab desks set out in the classroom, there are twelve in total. She takes a seat towards the middle. Setting down her bag she sees booklets have been set out on every table, a quiz on her first day, in her first class, great but at least its biology. She looks down at the back of the booklet trying to read through the thin paper when two boy's walk in, Peter not too far behind them as they talk about a bank robbery last night, stopped by two web slingers. Peter sits next to Paige and gives her a smile and a head gesture to the two boys who sit in front.

Around seven last night Peter had convinced Paige to swing through the city with him one more time before school started back, mainly to get her to stop over thinking about how school will be the next day.

Not too long after they started their before school adventure they were drawn in like moths to a flame with the sound of alarms going off in a bank nearby. Upon entering they find the same two guys from the convince store robbery attempting to rob the bank. With the usual amount of quip and speed of two web heads they had things under control in less than ten minutes.

Paige smiles again when she hears the two boys in front of her talking about Red Back and possible theories on who she could be, turning to Peter she sees he's wearing a smug grin also.

If this is what school is like every day, not too challenging in terms of social interactions, which she dreads with a passion, it's not going to as hard as she had convinced herself it would be the night before.

School was alright in her books.

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