Chapter Twelve

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Tony watches from the Pier as a large intimidating man, nearly two feet taller than his spiderling. A breath catches in Tony's throat as he sees the big guy point his AK at Peter and starts firing shots.

In a split second decision, he drops the two goons he was about to slam together to fly up and over to Peter, only to see him flip, twist and doge his way out of the projectiles, when he misses one and it pierces the young spider hero through the thigh, Tony flies down and punches the man hard enough to knock him out, first try.

Peter cries out in pain, holding his leg. Acting quickly, Peter uses some webbing to patch up the hole and stop it from bleeding. Tony helps the boy up.

'I think Paige is in there.' Peter points to the large blue shipping container, sitting out of place on the deck with mostly red containers.

Tony sticks his hands in the door and rips the entire thing off its hinges. Both men look in horror at the state of the girl inside.

Paige has blood running from her eyes, nose, mouth, hands, feet and her ears from under large headphones. Peter rushes in past Tony ripping off the head phones and recoiling at the sound coming from them, he smashes them while Tony breaks the ropes, holding Paige and stopping her from hitting the ground.

'Is she- is sh-she...' Peter begins to panic before tony speaks to calm Peter,

'She's a live but she's not in good shape.' Tony lifts his mask up to looks at Peter, 'We have to get her to a hospital, now.' Tony says as he walks out of the ruined container. Jumping off the side of the ship and onto the dock, Peter nearly walks into the path of a bullet. Looking at the origin he sees trench coat guy aiming a gun at him.

'Go! Take Paige to the hospital, I got this.' Peter shoves Tony away and jumps back to the Ship.

'Ah, Spider-Man I knew you would show up, hmm... but not with back up.' The man watches Tony fly off. 'Looks like I'll just have to settle for you.' He says as he fires another shot at Peter, who dodges the bulled with a back flip. Wincing when he lands, Peter looks down at his leg to see a small rivulet of blood running down his leg. He wraps some more webbing around it in the hopes it'll stop bleeding.

'Not today trench coat!' Peter leaps into the air landing behind trench coat guy, tripping him up with a spinning kick to the legs. The man's gun flies from his grip as he lands on the ground with a thud. Peter punches him in the chest for good measure, but doesn't stop the man for long. He knees peter in the head when he reaches down to punch him again.

Peter stumbles back and trench coat guy jump up from the ground, fixing his coat and he stands,

'The names David, kid.' He says as he throws a punch at Peter head but dodges it with another back flip. Peter flips twice to get out of the guys range.

'Don't tell me your name's David Jules...' Peter groans, flipping back his head to emphasise rolling his eyes.

'What can I say? Father knows best.' David shrugs. Peter shoots webs at David's chest and rips him forward into his fist like a yo-yo. Peter then leaps up on his shoulders and elbows him in the top of the head. Back flipping off his shoulders and he falls down, Peter pushes him over with his foot.

'He really doesn't.' Peter wraps him up in webs intending on stringing him up with the others. But he all too easily rips the webbing off and takes out another pistol from the back of his pants.

'You're going toregret that.' David says standing up and picking off some webs from his coat.

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