Chapter Eight

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Young Paige's heart thumps in her ears loudly, even though the head phones she wearing is drowning everything else out. Although she doesn't need her ears to know she's in a large vehicle of some kind. The powerful engine rattles the metal floor below her feet.

Her memory fuzzy as if she's had some kind of head trauma is accompanied by the disorientation of being blind folded in a moving vehicle.

Two others sit in the vehicle with her, both older and male, one driving, obviously, and one sitting next to her in the back of the vehicle that is most likely a van.

Pain in the young hero's neck suggests that before she woke up her head was lolled to the side, giving her a stiff neck. This means her kidnappers most likely know she's awake after all she's sitting ram rod straight on the cold hard seats in the back of this vehicle.

She feels the man next to her shift and sneeze, the loud noise startles her to full wakefulness.

She is in danger.

The man next to her eyeballs her from his seat, silently waiting for the young girl to make a move. Because surely, if they used ultrasound to knock her out initially, they would know she's the web slinging wall crawler, Red Back Spider.

'Jules she's awake.' The man next to Paige says presumably to the guy in front.

'Keep an eye on her and increase the ultrasound in her headphones, it disorients 'em.' The man in the front, driving, seat says with a notably Australian accent.

Paige grimaces at the increasing unpleasant sound blasting into her ears, she tries to reach up to her head or at least her ears and she finally notices she restrained in hand cuffs.

A passing thought cements in her mind as she realises her feet aren't bound.

Big mistake!

Despite her head being covered and ultrasound being blasted through her head her Spidey sense still works perfectly. She turns to the man in the back seat with her as creepily as she can to catch his attention.

'Uh, boss-' he attempts to alert the driver as Paige uses her spider given flexibility to her full advantage and lifts her right leg to kick her fellow backseat bandit square in the nose and then swinging her left leg up to the back of his neck and slamming his face into the opposite seat in the back of the van. Once out of his seat Paige uses her legs to hold the man in a Shin-Calf choke hold.

The driver barely swerves as his compatriot slowly suffocates in the back.

'This isn't end wellfor you. So give up now before I decide you're not worth the time and I justkill you.' The driver says in an unemotional monotone.

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