Chapter Eleven

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The young web slinger crawls across the side of the pier until he reaches the ship's hull, jumping across and keeping out of sight and conflict. Peter crawls up over the side of the ship and on to the deck, one man, with a pistol, has his back to Peter. He creeps up behind the goon and spins a web around his face, like a gag, pulling back, Peter back flips and kicks the guy off the edge of the edge of the deck. Peter catches him just before he hits the water.

With the back part of the ship clear as far as peter is concerned, he continues to climb the tall bridge of the ship. Crawling past many windows, he can see the ship in mostly abandoned except for these goons. Coming to the roof of the bridge where all the radars and antennas whirl and buzz, peter can see the whole deck from here.

Surveying his options he counts three guys standing around under the crane arm on the ship and all the way down the front of the ship is one guy with a machine gun guarding one of the shipping containers.

Peter see's his window of opportunity, 'Tony when I start webbing guys up on the ship can you start a distraction on the pier, I think I know where Paige is.' Peter informs Tony as he lies in wait for the three guys to come into range of his web shooters.

Back towards the bridge, Peter can see one of the higher level doors fly open and a man run out, lunging to the railing only for a gunshot to ring out behind him, exploding his face all over the deck. The poor man falls from the rails showing a man in a black trench coat behind him, holding a large calibre pistol.

Trench coat guy wipes some blood from his face and shouts down to the men below who are all watching in terror as what Peter assumes is one of their comrades' lies on the deck in front of them.

'Clean this mess up!'

The three men closest to the body shuffle over and do their best not to throw up or run screaming off the ship.

As the three men close in, Peter lines up a web shot, 'Peter, using a net-cast will ensure all three men are captured.' Karen pipes up. Peter just nods. He casts the web and watches in amazement as a large net type of web comes shooting out and ensnares all three men. Peter leans back and jumps down from the crane, hoisting up the tree men in the air.

'Ha! That was so cool!' Peter says as he pushes the three men caught up in the web and swings them around.

Ducking at the sound of gun shots, Peter whips his head around to see Tony fighting with the men on the pier. Peter remembers there's one more guy for him to take care of at the front of the ship. He shoots a web to the top of the crane, pulling back to create tension so he can launch himself into the air. Coming down on the brute's head Peter knocks him to the ground.

Peter stands on the large man's back stopping him from rolling over, bouncing a little before he crouches, Peter leans down to the man ear,

'Where's my friend.' He asks menacingly. The man grunts, reaching up to catch Peter's wrist he rips the boy off his back and throws him to the ground as he stands up, pointing his fully automatic AK 47 right at Peter.

Peter's shoulders drop with a shit, standing about 6 metres from the barrel it gives peter about .06 second give or take to react to the bullets that are about to come flying his way.

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