Chapter Thirteen

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David fires the entire clip at Peter. Dodging as many of the bullets as he can, Peter gets hit in the thigh and one grazes his chest. Peter hits the ground a little rougher than he would have liked but he gets back up on his feet despite the pain.

'What were you planning to do with her?' Peter looks up at David as he throws a way the now empty gun. He raises the fists at Spider-Man, not the best idea.

'I was going to sell her DNA to the highest bidder to make super soldiers.' David says with a cold smile. He beckons Peter with a wave of his hand.

Over the past month, when not at school or web slinging around the city, Peter's been training, boxing, martial arts and has even had a little non-lethal weapons training, so now he can beat someone up with his fists or a broomstick if he really wanted to.

David engages Peter, arms up and looking like he's about to throw a right hook, but as Peter goes to counter, David dives for a tackle. He knocks Peter to the ground with a grunt. Quickly he grabs Peter's web shooters, squeezing them and smashing them into the hard metal of the ship's deck. Webbing sprays everywhere from both of Peter wrists. Peter uses his legs to create enough momentum to jump up and away from David, Peter stands to his feet and expects to see David lying on the ground but the man is sprinting away towards the Bridge.

Peter follows David as best he can with a bleeding leg, only to stop short when David slams the thick bulkhead door in Peters face and locking it from inside. Peter has two options; smash through the closest window, but knowing that everything on this ship will be reinforced he's going to need some run up or something before he get through the windows, the only other option he sees is to rip the door off its hinges.

Looking around for the closest window Peter could get through, he sees the only one is two floors up and round, which means it'll be harder to punch through.

'Alright then, here goes nothing.' Peter gets a firm grip on either side of the door preparing for how painful this will be. Pulling back with everything he has, the door begins to buckle, sliding his hands into the gaps between the door and frame he pulls again. He is instantly stunned when a loud explosion sends the door flying on its hinges with him holding on for dear life.

Sliding across the deck holding onto the bulkhead door, Peter can feel his suit rip on the rough surface of the ship's deck. Once he comes to a stop he throws the door off him and looks up to the doorway, where David is holding what looks like a grenade launcher.

'Oh, you have got to be kidding me!' Peter leaps out of the way of another grenade coming towards him, ducking under the bulkhead door for protection from the blast. Holding the door like a shield, Peter does his best to wack the next grenade over the edge and into the water. Captain America would be proud. The grenade explodes close to the hull resulting in the whole ship wobbling.

Backed up to a shipping container, Peter uses his legs to push the bulkhead door at David as hard as he can, resulting in the man getting knocked over by the flying metal. Hitting the ground and his head slams hard on the deck, David struggles to get up.

Peter picks up a bucket sitting next to him amongst a bunch of ropes and tools, taking it by the handle and hitting David with it as hard as he can with a satisfying clang. Not hard enough to kill him but enough to make sure he doesn't get up.

The ship begins to moan and groan. Peter looks over the side to see a gaping hole from where the grenade exploded, now letting water into the ship, slowly sinking it.

Peter puts the bucket over David's head and pops one of his web cartridges over him, covering him in the sticky liquid.

'Get up from that.' Peter quips, out of breath and with a wince as he feels for the first time, how much pain he's in. 'uh... Ouch.' He says as he looks down at himself.

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