- Speaking Of Pranks... -

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"......In less than twelve hours you will be here with us at Yosemite. We look forward to welcome you wonderful bunch of people to this paradise. Bon voyage !!"

The volume of our applause that followed was a sureshot proof that each one of us were super hyped for this trip. "This vlog is going to be lit," Roni said as she leaned towards me while clapping. Grinning wide, I nodded my head back rapidly in excitement.

We were in the screening room and we just witnessed the A.V. clip sent by the tour organizers. They were awaiting our arrival at Yosemite. Before that, the crew at YouTube Space gave us a brief of Dos and Don'ts from their end. For example, no harmful pranks to be played, no destroying the flora and fauna of the National Park in any manner, etc. The A.V. on the other hand was a visual representation of our itenary, i.e. what we will be doing each day. The hikes were what I was really excited about. I thought to myself, if the visuals were so stunning in the A.V., I might just pass out when I see them right before my eyes.

The screen went black and the lights came on. That's when Rebecca, a bespectacled lady who seemed to be in her late 40s, who worked at YouTube Space and who basically was the manager of the tour stood in front of the screen and the room went silent. She then spoke in a heavy southern accent, "That ends our orientation folks, the busses will be here in one hour max. I hope y'all have received your bus numbers and seat numbers." Some of us including me replied with a 'yeah' while the rest in here nodded their heads.

"Perfect, that settles it. Now if y'all are hungry, we've arranged for snacks outside. We've got some Chick-fil-As and for those who opt for non-fried food, there are acai bowls and fruit juices. Feast yourselves by the time the busses arrive. Also, please maintain cleanliness in the premises while eating. And if there are any more queries, y'all can approach one of the desks."

We all got up from our seats and made our way towards the exit of the screening room. Once out, all of us dispersed into random directions. I was famished and so were Roni and Harrison, which is why the three of us along with most of the crowd made our way to the counter where snacks were arranged. Even though I loved Chick-fil-As, I didn't want to feel lethargic during the bus ride. Hence, I got myself an acai bowl topped with some nutella. Roni and Harrison both opted for Chick-fil-As, and the three of us took our seats on one corner of the blue couch.

"Nessa, you're missing out. This tastes bomb, I'm not even kidding," Roni said before munching further onto her chicken burger. I shrugged while fishing for strawberries in the bowl. I continued to eat, and right then I shot my head up when Roni started vlogging without telling me.

"Hey guys, welcome to our Yosemite vlog. I'm Veronica..." she turned towards me and seeing my mouth full of berries, she snorted and turned back to the camera, "..and she is Vanessa who is now a chipmunk with her mouth full of food."
"Hey!" I snap at her with my mouth still full, pretending to get offended. I dramatically turn my head away and the three of us laugh over it. Harrison waved at the camera as Roni introduced him to the vlog.
"We're waiting for the busses to arrive and in the meantime, we decided to eat and please our bellies."
Harrison mocked me saying, "Nessa opted for an Acai bowl over Chick-fil-As by the way." Swallowing my food, I said "I chose a healthier option," and gave a thumbs up to the camera.

"I see some cuties getting inspired by us," I got startled and turned my head behind to see Liza wrapping an arm round my shoulder. She and David popped into the frame of the camera from random directions and waved at it. Roni introduced them to the vlog whilst controlling her giggles. They both went their own way and after a few minutes of talking about random things, Roni stopped the recording and shoved the camera in it's box.

"Where are the brochures ?" She suddenly asked me. "Daddy had them, he's right there at the desk. He's been talking to those guys since a really long time now," I sighed.
"I had no clue he's got so many queries. Be right back, I'll go check what's up." Saying so, Roni got up and walked towards the desk. I continued finishing my bowl whilst chatting with Harrison.

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