- Caught On Camera -

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"Row.... 9, seats A and B. There we go. Oh and look, Daddy is right outside the window !!" I wave at him from inside the bus.

"He's getting some serious nostalgia. We need to tell him we aren't preschoolers anymore." Roni said as she placed her bag-pack in the overhead compartment, shaking her head.

She scurried to the window seat to call him inside the bus. In the meantime, I struggled to fit the tripod stand box in between both our bag packs. Daddy, who was now inside the bus, made me step aside and arranged everything snugly in place. Being tall did have benefits after all.

"I'll get going. Make sure you vlog most of the trip, there is always something new that'll happen every day. And take good care of yourselves and each other at all times. I love you girls," He said and gave a peck on my forehead. Leaning down towards our seat, he pecked Roni on the forehead too. "Love you too," we both said in unison as Roni got up. Daddy put his arms around us and we huddled into a hug.

A fourth body wrapped around us. We pulled away to see Ryan standing rooted to the spot with open arms.

"C'mon, everyone love hugs and so do I. Okay nevermind." He dropped his arms and we chuckled.

Daddy went past him patting his shoulder and as he reached the door of the bus, he glanced at us one last time. We waved to one another before he stepped out.

"8-B....Cool !! I'm sitting right in front of you girls." Ryan exclaimed as we got overjoyed at the fact.

He placed his bag pack above his seat as Roni sat back at the window seat and adjusted its incline. She took out her phone and headphones from her pocket and plugged them to one another. Embedding the pods to both her ears, she browsed her phone, supposedly through her music playlists. She then rested her head back and shut her eyes, heaving out a sigh.

My observation was interrupted by a tap on the shoulder and I turned towards Ryan. He then placed an arm around a caucasian guy as tall as him with blonde hair and a lean physique.

Ryan introduced him, "This is Jordan Smith, a good friend of mine and a freshman in the YouTube fam. He'll be hanging out with us during the trip."

Jordan and I exchanged smiles and a quick hug. "Pleasure to meet you," he shook hands with me, firmly gripping onto it.

"You too !! I can assure that you're gonna have a great time with us." I said welcoming him, and he grinned thanking me.

The three busses started to fill in. Our bus i.e bus number 3 was somehow the slowest in the process as people took their own leisure time to approach the vehicle. Ryan sat diagonally across my seat and we were engrossed in a K-Pop fan conversation while Jordan keenly listened to us. But I also kept shifting my gaze at the entrance of the bus, waiting for our other companions.

"Finally you guys are here !!" Ryan said as I looked up from my phone at him. I followed his eyes towards the entrance to see Harrison on the aisle, walking towards us. Ethan trotted right behind him and moments later, Grayson stepped inside the bus too. I was glad that they finally made it. "We accidently boarded bus number 2," Harrison said before giving Ryan a fist-bump.

Yes, the three boys split away from me and Roni after some quiet drama. Yes, Roni did get upset after Ethan....you know what happened. Yes, Ethan profusely apologized for his words, stressing on the fact over a thousand times that it was a prank and not intentional. And yes, Grayson, Harrison and I tried our level best to convince her to forgive him, but all in vain.

What's bonus ? Ethan got annoyed at Roni's stubborn attitude and gave up on apologizing. We had to eventually split up, allowing Roni and Ethan to cool off. But the plan of sticking together throughout the trip was still on, despite what happened.

Not Just Another Camping Trip - A Graynessa Fanfic ❤Where stories live. Discover now