Chapter Five

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So yeah my last chapter was having many gramar errors and i said i will try and correct it ..i know i  did not keep part of the deal but o was just so busy with school and we are not allowed to go with phones to school and thomhs at home are so hectic  i cant even finish my totally sorry and i hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me...
Forgive ......Me..

So lets get back to the story......


It has been four hours.Four hours since the doctors entered the sugeryroom.Seven hours since i came here and the is still no news on my parents.Me and my family are so devestated l hope the doctors are doing the best they can do...I really hope so.i dont want to get my hopes up but  i can't help it.

"Family of Veenderz" I heard the doctors say.As soon  as that was said my family and i jumped up and went to him .

"Are you the family of Mr and Mrs Veenderz?"The doctor  asked us as we stood infront of him.We nod our heads.

"I'm sorry  about your loss we have tried our best...The sugery was not successful...The patient has lost a lot of blood and the was nothing we can do....."As soon as those words reached my ears i couldnt hold it any longer.

"Please tell me you are kidding and this is all just a prank or something..or.....or  a bad dream ...all of this please" I said as tears rolled down cheek..

"I'm really sorry.... Mrs Veenderz did make it"I  looked up to see if he was kidding but he wasnt and could hear that 'But' coming.

"But she was admitted to a ICU "Thank you so much god.

"When will she wake up?"My aunt ask for the first time since we got the news..Her voice full of envey,angry and disappointment i think.Maybe its just my imaginations.

"We dont know it can take Weeks ,Days or even months...The ICU is a very critical sesion where a patient is half-dead and half-Alife and the wont be any posibilities for her to wake up."The doctors said

"Can we see her?" i ask and the doctor nod his head "Room B123down the corridor" he said..With that said i took of to the room were my mother was held fighting for her life.

Were the family is hoping she will make it.


Hey people i finaly updated..Whooh taked me long enough..
Sorry for the late updates but with lots going on here i will maybe only update on Sartuday's and some sundays and also between the week days if i got time....

Yeah so thet MtC  of Namimbia decided to give us free Mobile Datas ...Aaaannnddd i'm feeling it right know.....

So i decided to update....


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