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I and Tyler had taken the tuxedo from Alfred and were on our way back to the apartment. I had successfully talked him out of teasing me about Chloe and honestly I have no idea how I did it.

I looked around me and saw nothing familiar and I mean nothing, I don't think we came this way.

I slowly feel my back pocket for my knife, luckily its there.

If he is trying to kidnap me or something I am very happy I have my trusty knife.

"We didn't come this way" I try to say it like I just noticed.

"Yeah, Trevor wants me to take you to where he and the others are" he says, I don't know if I should be worried or relieved.

"Why don't we just meet at the apartment?"I ask "Because what he wants to do, he can't do at the apartment" he answers.

So I guess I'll just sit back relax and enjoy the ride, we passed a shop and I saw an iPhone sign "WAIT!!!!" I scream and we come to an immediate halt causing the car and us to jerk "What?!" He screams back.

"I don't have a phone" I say with my eyes wide open, his once worried expression turned angry.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me! You screamed 'stop' for a phone?"

"Well, technically I screamed 'wait' and yeah, I do need a phone for the job right?" He shrugs and continues driving.

"Sorry, please don't call the cops" I tell the bystanders that are looking at us like we were mad "You don't need a phone yet"

"What? I thought we were bro's" I say sounding absolutely shocked "We are bro's"

"Then why can't you use your money for me?" I ask.

"I...We'll get you a phone tomorrow" he sighs before continuing "And besides Vlad's sending over your black card tomorrow"

"Oh, so if I was getting gang raped by a bunch of horny girls on the job, I won't have a phone to text or call anyone, cool" he starts laughing and shakes his head.

He makes a right turn out off the main road and unto a path of dust and stones, we drove through a gate that was already opened but had a "DO NOT ENTER" sign on it.

He made a left turn and there they were, Trevor's team. The way they stood with their bad ass cars behind them, it would've made a good fast and furious scene.

"Do you guys get any cooler?" I ask with obvious excitement in my voice and he scoffs "You ain't seen nothing yet" what could possibly get cooler?

I walk towards them with a smile on my face "These yours?" I ask pointing to the cars.

"Yeah" they all answer and I walk past them and start adoring the cars.

"Nissan GT-R nismo" I say and look at Trevor "Who's car is this?" He just smirks and looks over to Chloe, she smiled "Guilty as charged baby" Masha coughs and Chloe rolls her eyes.

I let my finger tips run over its body as I walked until I reached the next car "SRT hell cat" I say again, this one was blue.

"You know your cars I see" Masha says with a smirk on her face "Damn" I say almost in a whispered tone, "Shelby GT- 500" I say almost slapping my hands on my cheeks.

"I think I'm in car heaven" I feel like I am twelve again.

"And that would be mine, hands off the merchandize" Grayson says, he's previous demeanor towards me hasn't changed, what's his problem? Maybe its that time of the month.

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