Chapter 3

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Mike POV

I have been listening to my cousin talk about the girl that was coming to stay with him, for weeks on end. He would not shut up about how hot she was, and how perfect of a couple they would be. I still have no idea what she looks like, because he thinks I will steal her from him, he won't even tell me her name.

"Harry, I am going to need you to shut up, and go to the airport, for three reasons. One, you are going to be late and then the love of your life will be stranded at the airport, two, you are obnoxious and I can't hear you talk about this girl you have never met before. And three, I have to go to football, and tell coach why you aren't there, and take the blame for you. So have a nice time meeting no-name girl, tell Jenna I said hi. Bye." And with that I hung up.

You see, I have no problem with Harry being happy with some girl, but he is being kind of crazy about her, and they have never met. He has known she was coming for about a year now, and she has become the only topic of conversation. Hey, she probably is gorgeous, but he knows absolutely nothing about her. I just don't want him to get hurt, because he is not only my cousin but my best friend as well.


For some reason this girl, was the only thing in my mind, on my way to glee club that afternoon. Yeah I am in the glee club, I am also the captain of the football team, the soccer team, the lacrosse team, and the basketball team. I am the lead male vocalist and dancer. I absolutely love glee, more than all of the sports I do. And you would think that being the most popular guy in school, I could have any girl I wanted, and I could, but the problem was I wasn't interested. All of the girls at my school are either jerky cheerleaders, or snobs besides Jenna. And nobody besides Jenna and Harry know this, but I have never had a girlfriend, a rumor was spread around, that I was dating head cheerleader Quinn Fabray, but that never actually happened, so I don't know how that started.

Anyway, I am now 16, and I hope to have a girlfriend this year, and not just a fling, I want a real relationship, with as limited drama as possible. That is my goal for this year.


Harry's Pov

Oh my god. I can see her. She is more gorgeous in person than on skype. She will be my girlfriend, and no one else can have her.

Tina's Pov

I saw Harry first, so I ran to him to give him a hug, but he held on a bit too tight and too long, so I tried to playfully shrug him off but he wasn't letting go, that was until Jenna literally threw him to the ground, to hug me. "TINA YOU ARE ACTUALLY HERE!!!" She screamed into my ear. "Yes Jenna, I am actually here, now if you don't mind letting me go, I am absolutely starving." "Sure. Sorry about that I am just really excited you are finally here."

In the car on the way to chick-fil-a, Harry decided to break the comfortable silence, "sooo Tina do you have a boyfriend or anything back in New York?" "No, I have a bunch of boy friends with a space in the middle, but no relationships for me yet. I am not exactly what my school calls 'popular' or 'worthy of a boyfriend'." Harry looked personally offended by the last part. "How? You are gorgeous, sorry if that is weird but it is true. What do you do at school?" "Well I was the female lead vocalist and dancer back in my glee club, and I tried out for the Cheerios every year but the coach said, and I quote, "sorry Asian number 1, and everybody's least favorite glee clubber, I do not let people on my team that have to squint to see." As offensive as that was, I knew she had absolutely no filter so I kind of got over it." "Wow, that is messed up." Jenna said joining the conversation while pulling into the parking lot. "I had no idea teachers could talk like that to students in New York." "Oh they can't, but everyone is scared of her, so whatever she says goes." "Huh, interesting." Said Jenna, while she let that mull over in her head.


After they ate, they drove around a little bit, and then they went back home to let Tina settle in, and go to bed. But first Harry had to call Mike.

Harry's Pov

"Mike she is here and you will never guess what she told us." "What?" Mike answered with a bored tone to his voice. "She has never had a boyfriend before, meaning she is single, and she is a singer a dancer and she wants to be a cheerleader." The singing and dancing part spiked Mike's interest but Harry didn't notice, because he was daydreaming about Tina. "Dude hello Harry, you there?" "Yeah sorry." "Okay listen to me very carefully. Do not ask her out any time soon, let her get situated, let her get good in school, give her time. And don't think I mean a few days a month tops, I mean a few months. It is August now, give her until at least January. And do not tell me that is 'too long' or 'you can not wait that long'. Because if you actually like her, that should not be a problem for you." "Okay, I can do that. But stay here I will be right back." "K"

Mike was sitting there waiting for Harry to come back to his laptop in the kitchen table, when he heard singing coming from somewhere in Harry's house. "Hey there Delilah whats it like in New York City." Whoever was singing had an amazing voice, he wished he could see who it was. It was definitely a girl, and it wasn't Jenna, so she must have a friend over or something. "I am a thousand miles away but girl tonight you look so pretty, yes you do. Times square can't shine as bright as you, I swear its true." By now the voice was getting close ,and fast. He could hear feet hitting the floor in a pattern like someone was dancing. Mike really wanted to know who this mysterious girl was.

"Oh its what you do to me, oh its what you do to me. A thousand miles seems pretty far, but they've got planes and trains and cars, I'd walk to you if i had no other way. Our friends would all make fun of us and we'd just laugh along because we know that nothings never felt this way."

  The girl entered the kitchen as she sang the chorus and her voice somehow sounded even better, and she was dancing a very complex dance with an angelic sort of grace, that he had never seen before. But just as quickly as she came in she was gone, and she didn't even notice him. But luckily he did get a quick look at her face and god, she was gorgeous.

Mike decided to make it his mission to find this girl, no matter what it takes

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Mike decided to make it his mission to find this girl, no matter what it takes.

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