Chapter 4

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Third person Pov

Mike knew he had to ask Harry who that girl was, but not in a way that he would figure anything out, so he was still sorting things through his head when Harry came back.

"Hey Harry, who was that girl, that was just in here singing?" "Brown hair?" "Ya" "oh thats Tina. Why?" "No reason, I have never seen her before thats all." "Yeah she is going to start going to our school next week with us, she is in Jenna's grade, she is 15." "Oh thats cool, she already is friends with Jenna, so she wont be alone when she starts in a new school." "Yeah, anyway, as we were saying before. Lets say this girls name is oh I don't know, Kayla. So how should I make Kayla comfortable here and at school and stuff so that we can become friends and have something to build off of?" "Well first, and most importantly, don't go in with the intention of getting her to like you and want to date you. Go in as a friend and nothing else for a while, eventually as I said before, you can start hanging out at the movies or going to lunch and stuff without Jenna. But Do Not overstep, until you know for a fact that she likes you, and if she maybe starts to like someone else, do not stop her, or make them seem like a bad person. If she likes you she will go to you, maybe not right away but she is 15, you are 16 give her time. You may not date till you are 25, or you may date in 6 months, or never date at all. So do not plan in anything besides being her friend, otherwise you will act weird and you wont even end up friends to begin with. Got it?" "I think so. Thanks man, I don't know when you got smart, but you are." "I have been getting straight A's since junior high, but thanks I guess." "Alright I have to go practice for sectionals with Brit, she still has to learn the whole routine, we really need a new female lead dancer, bye." "Bye."

And with that Mike hang up and Harry started planning. Mike will never know if he starts hanging out with her a few months early, he will get to know everything about her and become her closest friend, so that he is the first person she goes to with everything. If he accomplishes that, she is guaranteed to want him back, why wouldn't she?

Time skip-- night before the first day of school

August 29

Mike has made no progress with finding anything out about Tina, besides the fact that she sings dances and is a year younger than him. Harry had made no progress with his plan because Jenna follows them around everywhere they go. Jenna, is so happy to have a best friend now, who is in all of her classes, and loves to do mostly the same things as her. And Tina is absolutely terrified for the first day of school, she has Jenna in none of her classes, because she is in junior classes so she will be with Harry, but its her sophomore year, and she is in a new school so that just sucks in general.

Next Morning -- August 30

"Jenna wake up we have schooooollll!!!" Tina had woken up at 5 because she was really excited even tho school didn't start until 7:45. It wad now 7 and Jenna however was not awake, so Tina and Harry decided to give her 5 minutes before they leave without her.

"Okay I'm ready lets go!!" "Jenna its 7:04 how are you completely ready, it takes me an hour and thats with no make up." "I get dressed before bed, and flat iron my hair before bed and put it up so it doesn't get ruined so in the morning all I have to do is brush my teeth and put on mascara." "Trust me Tina its worth the extra two hours of sleep." Before Tina could respond Harry ran in "Okay thats it we are leaving Jenna! Oh hi Jenna. Okay, since you decided to take so long, we are just gonna drive with Mike today, he is waiting outside." Who is Mike???

"Oh Tina by the way, Mike is our cousin he is 16 like Harry, and he lives right there." She said pointing to the huge house directly across the street. "Okay cool."

In the car

Why hello there dearest cousins,how are you on this fine morning?" Less than 3 seconds after he said that the three Chang's started laughing hysterically, and as confused as Tina was, the only thing she noticed was how perfect Mike's laugh was. You cannot be thinking this Tina, that is Harry's cousin. Tina had figured out Harry's plan immediately, and she felt bad because he was in fact a very cute kid, but she was not going to date someone she was going to be living with for the next few years. She decided to tell Jenna about it later, maybe she can use her 'scary sister manipulation' as Harry once called it, to get him to understand, but without knowing she knew.

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