Chapter 15

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Tina's Pov

I just wish I could help him. I hate seeing him hurt like this.

No he is more than hurt, just looking at him, I can see how much pain he is in. Even while he sleeps, he looks like he is in absolute agony.

What could possibly happen in a dream to make you look so hurt?


I can see my body, over in the bed, but for some reason I am out walking around, but no one can hear me or see me.

The doctor said there was a very low chance of me waking up, I heard that. And I saw what it did to Mike.

So I will wake up.

I have seen those movies, where they say to the body "you are in control of everything". Obviously I never believed that junk, but I was also never in this situation before.


My plan from here on out, is to wake myself up.

I don't know how to do it.

But I will.


I cant leave him. I have to help him. How do I wake him up from this nightmare he must be having. No person could look like they are in that much pain and not be having some type of terrible dream.

But what could it be?


I didn't notice when Jenna and Harry came in the room, and stood in the corner talking quietly, but I did hear the beeping noise coming from the machine showing my heart rate.

I may not be a doctor but I do know that heart rates should not be that high.

What is my body doing? Why am I not controlling my own body?

Tina stay. Stay for Mike. Even if you have nothing else to stay for. Stay for him. Stay for him. Stay for him.


The pain that went through my body less than 3 seconds later, was the worst pain I have ever felt in my life.

All of a sudden, my limbs became heavy, and I could feel every ache in every inch of my body.

Suddenly I started wondering why I wanted to live through this?

What did I even have left?

My parents don't even know I'm here, my friends will get over it.

Why did I fight so hard?

There is no way it is worth the pain.


But then a name started repeating itself in my head.

Mike. Mike. Mike. Mike.

Who is Mike?

Why is he the only thing I can think of?


As if someone was reading my mind I heard a familiar male voice calling my name.

Although I couldn't put a face or name to the voice, I knew this voice.

I knew this voice well.

After what felt like years, I finally pried my eyes open and after getting used to the light, I saw the most wonderful face I have ever seen before.

This is the Mike. Now I know why I woke up.

It was for him.

It is all for him.

I love him.

That's why I woke up.




"Oh my god! Tina! You are awake! Do you know who I am?"

"Of course I do. You are Mike."

"Anything else?"

"I love you."

"Oh T I love you so much. I have never been so scared in my entire life."

"Why were you so sad while you were sleeping?"

"What do you mean T?"

"While you were sleeping you looked like you were in pain. What's wrong?"

"Nothing T I was just tired."

Tina did not believe what Mike said, but somehow she was too tired to figure it out. But before she could go back to sleep, the doctor came in, and noticed she was awake.

"Ms. Cohen-Chang when did you wake up? Why was I not informed?"

"She just woke up less than a minute ago, we sent Jenna to find you but she never came back."

"Okay well I need to check everything and make sure you are okay so I'm gonna need you to leave the room."

"Okay. I'll be right back T."


While Mike waited outside he contemplated telling Tina what happened in his dream, but the problem with that, is she would probably freak out and she has to be calm right now. Maybe he would tell her when she got out. Besides what girlfriend would want to worry about that?


@MikeChang: she woke up!!!!! So thankful to everyone that stood by me during this extremely hard time

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@MikeChang: she woke up!!!!! So thankful to everyone that stood by me during this extremely hard time. She is awake and doing just fine!! Love you so much T!!!!

Tagged @TinaCChang

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@JennaChang: my baby is back!!! Ly T💘💘💘😘😘😘

@ArtieAbrams: Queen T is back everyone all hail the Queen👑👑👑

@HarryChang: she's back bish!!!!!


The doctors said Tina would be released by the end of next week, and with the time she has been in the coma, one of her broken bones has somewhat healed so she will be in a cast on her leg and her arm will only be in a brace. On the bright side the doctors said she would heal perfectly fine and will still be able to dance better than she did, it would just take a few weeks of physical therapy. All in all, Tina would be just fine.

Well as far as they knew at least...


Hey guys sorry I took so long to update, I was going through some stuff, but anyway I'm back and in business. Anyway comment your favorite chapter so far and I want to give a quick shout out to IsabelleLightwood_ and skater2879 !!!

One more thing I will be starting a TMI story soon so look out for that I'm super excited!!

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