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Did you honestly believe there was a way to silence me?

How foolish.

After what you've been through, you still deny the fact that I have done everything for you? Do you even realize what kind of power that I hold over you; the power you can possess?

I suppose not, you are just a weak human child.

So weak you couldn't protect that orphan boy—that's what your instructor told you as you sat with his broken body in your hands. She didn't even know his name. Doesn't that make you furious? Don't you want to kill her for doing that to you?


You really are stupid.

I will show you what you truly feel. Your naïveté merely allowed me to grow—opened new doors for me. Did you really think that man would offer your salvation? Did you not wonder how he knew about me?

Don't scream. You know what might happen if you even utter a word.

Did you honestly think you can be free? Think again. I own your soul. You can't fight that. You can't fight me because I am you. I will cultivate the darkness speckling your heart and I will rip it from your chest and show you just how much of a monster you are—

Akita awoke with a strangled gasp. Her body was drenched in a cold sweat that dampened her hairline just enough to curl it. White blankets were strewn across the bed that she identified to be her own.

She scrambled to the light on her nightstand and struggled to turn it on. Her fingers fumbled for the switch as she desperately tried to escape the darkness that surrounded her. After what seemed like eternity, the lamp burst into a heavenly ray that illuminated the room; expelling the suffocating blackness as if it were a flame snuffed out by a glass.

Somehow, she had been returned back to her home without alerting Sparrow. It looked to be around 4:00 in the morning, just thirty minutes before her day was set to start. The teen held her hand to her heart, which beat violently in her chest.

Fear like no other finally began to ebb. Her body ceased its involuntary tremors. Akita's breathing was heavy, as if she had run 10 miles in three minutes. Her hand immediately went to the spot where she had been injected with...something. She didn't know what it could be, but it set her insides on fire the instant it entered her veins.

The skin around the wound was raised and stung like hell. Akita rose from her bed and moved to the body-length mirror in the right corner of her room. Shock froze her in place, the tips of her fingers barely brushing the spot where she was concerned.

It was a tattoo of some sort. She knew better though, it was a branding mark. The shape it engraved in her skin was a moon and a sword piercing the center. She knew who's mark it was. Anger flared up within her as she punched the mirror, shattering it into a thousand tiny pieces.

How could she have been so stupid?! A deal with Moon, a man who basically ruled the underground? It was painfully obvious that he had something up his sleeve. Akita hated the fact that she knew it, because he had so shamelessly displayed it on his face the entire time.

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