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(Regina's POV)
She is gone.

We have been looking for our daughter for a month now and we can't find her at all.


One day we were walking in the woods looking for her and we came across a cabin in the middle of no where.

I don't know how I didn't know about this cabin I am the mayor so it must be magical or covered off all maps.

We walked up to the cabin and I tried to open the door and I was pushed back onto the woods infront of the cabin. Everyone came running at me and helped me up. I had a pain in my ribs but I brushed it off.

We walked around the cabin looking in all the windows. I got to the main bedroom window and I saw a bassinet. I yelled for everybody and they came running.

Then there was a crack in the woods infront of the cabin and I looked and there was a teenage girl walking towards the cabin. She pulled out something from her pocket and opened the door.

We ducked down as she walked into the room we were peering into and she walked to the window and pulled down the blinds. All of the sudden we headed a baby's cry and I ran to the front door and used my magic to force the door open.

The teenage girl ran into the front of the house with a fireball in her hand.

"Mom??" She asked.

Everybody was looking at me. I shrugged my shoulders and summoned a fireball in my hand.

"Where's my daughter?!?" I yelled

She had a frightened look on her face and lead me into the room with my baby in it. I picked up my little girl and showered her face with kisses.

"YOU WHY DID YOU TAKE HER FROM ME?!?!" I yelled at the teenage girl.

"Me?? I found her on the forest floor one day. I didn't know who she belonged too so I took her in and cared for her." The girl defended.

"You called me mom who is that?" I asked

"You don't remember? Oh ya I forgot. I am yours and Daniel's daughter. You were forced to give me up right after my birth and all you left me with was a name and a picture of you." She said pulling a picture of me from the enchanted forest out of her pocket.

I looked at her with tears in my eyes and I pulled her into a hug.

"Why don't I remember?" I asked

"Well one day I was asking around for you and invade across your father and he explained to me what happened. He said after you gave birth to me and you were forced to give me up. Then after that your mom took your memories of me away so you wouldn't remember. " she said with tears

"You saw daddy?? Before he died? And you have been alone all your life?? I am so sorry sweetie. If I had known about you I never would've stopped looking for you." I said hugging her once again.

I looked behind me and all the others were staring at me with tears also in their eyes.

I looked in the background and I saw a large cloud of purple smoke coming towards us.

I grabbed Robin, Roland, Henry, and my daughters and pulled them close as the smoke hit.

When I opened my eyes once again I looked around and we were in the Enchanted forest again.

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