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The Story in General + Scarlet Leclair

Hey! Welcome to my second book in the series beginning with Incandescent, both books are based on the television show on MTV called Teen Wolf. The reason I'm writing this story is to further my writing skills with the help of the universe already created by Jeff Davis. That being said, I own the rights to the characters Scarlet and Asher. All other characters are rightfully credited to Teen Wolf. The basis of the storyline will stay the same but many scenes will be new and included to further the development of my character.

(I'm starting with '1.1' for this book as I'm keeping the previous book as kind of the origin story so it's '0.1' and this is '1.1' and so forth just to eliminate any confusion!! )

Scarlet is an interesting character who is a mythical creature I really enjoy and I hope you do as well.

*I never assigned a specific celebrity to be Scarlet just because I believe it'd be nice for all of you to see her however you'd like. Also most celebrity females that I would use are super overused on here so I don't feel like following in that.*

Reason for Names:
Scarlet - essentially another shade for the color red. Leclair - French for light.

Asher - means happy or blessed, also the name of someone who lived by an [ash] tree. Beaufort- Beautiful, strength, one similar to a fortress.

Love Interests

Lydia Martin

Scallison and Stydia have been my favorite ships from the beginning, sadly for this story to exist with Stiles as a love interest for Scarlet I will be changing the story. It will be hard to work around so while the base of Teen Wolf will remain forces that put Stiles and Lydia together will have to be messed with.

The Boy Himself

Stiles Stilinski

Stiles Stilinski has been a character I have fallen in love with every time that I watch Teen Wolf. Essentially every time he spouts a sarcastic comment or jerks his head sporadically my heart leaps. Now that TW is wrapping up its last season your girl over here is going into a very sad state. I love this show with my heart and there are a few episodes to close the wonderful storyline created. This story will hopefully be something to find comfort in and I hope you enjoy!

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