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Based on Season 3 Episode 1 Tattoo

With an alarm blaring through the quiet morning's silence Scarlet rolled over in her bed onto her stomach grabbing her phone and turning off the noise. With a grunt, she threw the blanket back on top of her head curling up in the material and after a moment a second alarm went off. With a groan she flipped onto her back and sat up, crossing her legs beneath her and turning off all of her alarms she had set to force her to actually wake up. Scarlet ran a hand through her hair with a sigh before swinging her legs over the side of the bed sliding her feet into her slippers before standing up. She shuffled through the door of her room wearing just a long graphic tee that fell a little above her knees. She shuffled through the hallway stopping at another door and slamming her fist on the door.

"Asher, wake up! It's your first day of school!" She giggled as she sang.

She pursed her lips as she waited and smirked hearing the moving within the room. The door flung open after a moment and Asher stood in his boxers with his fluffy hair matted down against his head. He yawned leaning slightly against the door.

"Hey, excited?" spoke Scarlet teasingly. With squinted eyes, Asher pushed the door shut and she heard him shuffle back to the bed before it squeaked slightly showing it was her. "You better get dressed, I'll make some breakfast we gotta be out in about a half hour!"

Scarlet moved into her room and began shuffling through her closet running a hand over the fabrics as she tried to decide. She was going back to Beacon Hills High School after being completely MIA for four months. Thankfully she was able to guilt trip Asher into feeling so badly for her that he would join the school system as well. They had a lot of power with many different people so getting him back into the school system. Her body froze as it rested on the flannel she had taken from Stiles the night she left. She was happy to be back in Beacon Hills but her nerves surfaced as she realized she'd have to face Stiles eventually.

The previous night after calling the police Stiles had been uncharacteristically quiet. He stood by at a farther distance from Scarlet, fiddling with his fingers and opening and closing apps on his phone as he tried to distract himself and shove his feelings deeper into himself. After having the whole situation with Lydia's car dealt with they all split up in cars. Mr.Stilinski, although very confused, hadn't said anything to the girl but he took Lydia and Allison home. Asher, Scarlet, and Scott got into the Jeep and Stiles drove Scott home before dropping Asher and Scarlet at their house. The car ride was silent, and not even the nice silent where it's comfortable, it was awkward and nerve-racking. Shifting their way out of the Jeep Asher walked up to the porch to unlock the door while Scarlet stood in front of the driver's side window that was rolled down.

"I was, um, I was going to call you. Kind of for a while, I was trying. Asher beat me to it though, calling Scott and all." She spoke, her voice aching to sound anything but soft although that was all that was coming out. He nodded staring ahead and gripping the steering wheel. "I just - We should talk." She said and he looked over at her with furrowed brows before turning back to stare forward blankly.

"I've got to get home." He mumbled moving the stick shift to reverse.

"Stiles -"

"I'll see you in school tomorrow." He nodded curtly before reversing and quickly spinning the wheel to straighten him onto the road.

Scarlet shook her head snapping herself out of the thought. She retracted her hand from the item of clothing. She pulled out a loose short-sleeved black and white horizontally striped cropped top along with a light-wash pair of blue jeans. She changed into the clothes and put on black heeled booties before moving into the bathroom. Scarlet brushed her teeth before walking outside as she picked up her phone and made her way downstairs. Moving into the kitchen she grabbed some ingredients from the fridge balancing them in her arms before making her way over to the stove and making some eggs. While waiting for the pan to heat up she grabbed some plates and cups placing them in two spaces on the island that stood in the middle of the kitchen. She began brewing some coffee before starting to cook the eggs. Asher shuffled into the room plopping down in a chair in front the island. Scarlet glanced over her shoulder to observe the boy who was hunched over with his arms crossed on the table and his head resting on them. He was wearing a nicely fitting black long sleeved shirt and dark blue jeans along with brown derby shoes.

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