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Based on Season 3 Episode 2 Chaos Rising

Scarlet hummed tapping her finger on her leg as she sat in the middle back seat while Allison drove and Lydia sat in the passenger's seat. The trio was on their way to the party Stiles was dragging Scott to and Asher was pulled along by the latter since Scott didn't want to go and knew Asher wasn't doing anything that night. Because of this, when Asher told Scarlet she was able to tell Allison when the girl wanted to see Scott. So, currently, the girls were on their way to the party. Allison was eager to tell Scott about the bruises that some girl had given to her and Lydia at the school. Lydia was tracing over the bruises on her arm with a pen. She lifted her arm and so did Allison to align the identical marks.

"I don't know. It doesn't look like much to me." She sighed not really calling the identical bruises anything other than a coincidence.

"It's a pattern. It means something." Allison told them.

"You really think Scott's going to know what it is?" Lydia asked her and Scarlet bit her lip continuing to examine their arms as they were still holding them up.

"No, but he might know someone who does." She replied and glanced back at Scarlet, "Are you sure you've never seen anything like it before?"

Scarlet shook her head, "Not that I can recognize. I drew it for Asher but he had no knowledge of it either."

"How are you so sure that it means anything at all?" Lydia spoke still trying to be a sort of voice of reason for them as she thought it was nothing.

"Because that girl wasn't just looking for Scott. It's like she needed to find him. Like she had to. And that means something." Allison's motive made complete sense but her desire to run to Scott was what made Scarlet sit back in her seat with a slight smirk on her face as they drove.

The drive was going to be about ten more minutes and Scarlet was getting tired by Allisons continuous attempt to call Scott so she took out her phone. Dialing Stiles number she waited as it rang twice and abruptly stopped meaning that he rejected the call. She huffed looking at the screen seeing the selfie of the two that they'd taken a few days after meeting. Stiles was the one holding the phone as he sat in a chair in the kitchen and Scarlet leaned over the seat, wrapping her arms loosely around his shoulders as her head was a few inches from his. Their bright smiles reminded her of how good that initial time with the Stilinskis really was. Scarlet ran her thumb over the picture with a gentle smile on her face. She was taken out of her own mind as the car came to a full stop. Allison sent a quick text and they all got out of the car. While they moved their way to the house the front door open and Asher and Scott walked out.

"This isn't the talk I thought we were going to have, is it?" Scott pondered aloud as he walked up to them.

Allison shook her head slightly, " I need to show you something." Scott nodded and Allison tugged her sleeve up nudging Lydia to follow.

"Where's Stiles?" Scarlet wondered aloud glancing over to the house.

"Oh, ah, just inside mingling. You know, just being the outgoing Stiles we all love." Scott smiled in an awkward way and Scarlet frowned at his increased heart rate. He's been a werewolf for a while and was mostly acquainted with his abilities and was good with them, but he was still a terrible liar and that seemed to be something that hasn't changed in her months away.

"Where is he really?" Crossing her arms she turned to Asher who stood in front of her.

He sighed, running a hand through his hair and lightly tousling it. "With the, ah, birthday girl." Her eyebrows raised and she swallowed harshly before nodding and turning to face the others with her hands behind her back. Although she had suspicions when Scott was acting so strangely, actually hearing Asher say it had made her heart drop.

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