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Based On Season 3 Episode 1 Tattoo

Following the awakening within the woods and stumbling upon new friendships within the town of Beacon Hills the kanima case was finally able to be solved. Many obstacles, dramatic confrontations, and surprise reveals hindered the group but in that series of events the pack made it out alive. Scarlet Leclaire was urged to flee in order to try and retrieve her powers after learning she'd lost them due to the distaste she'd felt towards her abilities because of all the difficulties they'd caused. She hadn't known how long it was going to take, weeks, months, years, so her hope was fairly low.

But over that summer Scarlet, with the help of her best friend Asher Beaufort, she was able to find multiple people her power has helped. Although the first few had made a significant difference on her, the more people she'd met the more satisfied of herself she was. She trained vigorously on the daily, going to bed with large bruises and small cuts littering her body. The months during that summer had been some of the worst she'd ever been through due to how physically and emotionally draining it was but also some of the best because of all the people she'd had the time to see again. After being beaten down the day before, Asher would force her out of bed and drag her to meetings he'd created with people that Scarlet had helped throughout her life. The two started in New Orleans and were there for three weeks before spending the rest of the summer traveling to go to all those people. Every day was a new reason to accept who she was and she had a plethora of people to turn to.

Every day her and Asher would spar and he'd essentially beat her hoping that the spark was created to allow her powers to surface. One day, a week or two before school started, they did. She remembered the feeling of spitting out blood to her left as she huffed and puffed on her hands and knees as Asher circled her. A growl rumbled through her chest and she felt the spark that literally lit the flame within her. Pushing off the ground in an instant and launching in his direction, her palm slammed into Asher's jaw. Flames engulfed his face as she breathed heavily through her gritted, extended, fangs. Her glowing eyes widened as she noticed what she did and she pulled her hand back. With burn marks all over his face Asher's scream rumbled through the open warehouse they sparred in after returning to New Orleans.

'Oh my god, I am so sorry!" She placed her hands on his cheeks allowing the pain to glide into her as his face molded back to how it once was.

"All good, I'll take that as payback for the past couple of months." He spoke referring to the countless hours of beatings she'd consented to as they worked intensely.

"Trust me that was nothing in comparison to having your ribs broken. Forty-three times might I add." She slapped her hands together lightly wiping any dust and grime from her hands.

"Forty-four, but who's counting right?" He mumbled before chuckling to himself.

"Wanna try for forty-five with the threat of my powers?" She smiled at him teasingly.

"I know how that'll go. No thank you." He scoffed and she laughed with a shake of her head.

Maybe a day and a half later Scarlet was still thinking about Beacon Hills, even though it, anod the people who lived there never left her mind. She tapped her phone against the palm of her hand as her leg bounced, She sat on the bed slightly hunched over wondering how to start a conversation with, well, anyone from the town. How was she supposed to start out a conversation when she left them all not knowing when she'd return? But before she knew it her fingers were already dialing a number in.

"Hello?" The voice spoke on the other end after a moment or two of ringing. Scarlet's mouth was open but no words were falling out, she was frozen in her spot like a deer when it notices headlights. "Hello?" The voice repeated again, more hesitantly this time.

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