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Based on Season 3 Episode 4 Unleashed

"You know, it would've been nice if you told me you two weren't taking cross country as your gym class this semester." Scarlet slipped her top over her head tossing it into her locker and picking out one of Stiles' old gray Beacon Hills High tees tugging it over her head.

"Hey, you're the one who came back a week before school started." Lydia pulled her shirt off, putting on her gym one and Scarlet rolled her eyes.

"Okay, I deserve that one." Scarlet slipped her arms through a maroon jacket and zipped up the front, she then exchanged her jeans for black athletic shorts.

"Just a little bit." Allison laughed at the two. Scarlet yawned and Allison tilted her head, "Tired?"

The girl nodded, "Stiles and I were up late last night, talking."

"Ah, talking." Lydia chuckled and Scarlet most likely would've rolled her eyes if she wasn't so tired.

"About the recent murders, Lydia."

"Not the most romantic topic but, what can you do? It is Stiles." She shrugged and the trio laughed at the truth of the matter.

After tieing her maroon gym shoes and her hair into a bun, Scarlet put her phone into her pocket and secured her locker. "This year's gym class is going to suck without you guys." She pouted and they walked out together.

"Have fun." Lydia giggled as she and Allison shifted right and walked into the gymnasium while Scarlet turned left beginning to walk outside.

She pushed through the school doors immediately wincing at the frigid air touching her warm skin. "I immediately regret wearing shorts." She mumbled to herself as she zipped up her jacket before her hands made their way into her pockets to gain warmth. The girl made her way to the path within the woods where the students in her class were congregating. Taking a deep breath, Scarlet took a deep breath in wondering what the smell of blood was from. She spotted Issac who was bent down tying his shoes which distracted her from the smell. Scarlet took a step towards him hesitantly before stopping as she watched as Ethan and Aiden walked up on opposite sides of the leaning boy. They hadn't said a word but the entire demeanor and aura coming from Isaac told it all. "Oh no. Not here." Scarlet mumbled walking quickly in his direction.

"Pace yourselves, come on!" Coach Finstock yelled clapping his hands together.

The boy pushed off the ground, standing up on his way to run after the two but Scott reached him before Scarlet, grabbing his arm and pulling him back. "Isaac!"

"It's them." He said and wretched his body free running in the same direction as the two.

"Isaac, wait! Isaac!" Scott yelled and Scarlet moved next to him.

"Let's go," She sighed, "They'd kill him without hesitation." Her monotoned voice was a fine example of how bothered she was with the Alpha Pack being back.

The two began running, obviously faster than the humans in the group so they were able to surpass the crowd. Their feet hit the ground with increasing speed before they spotted Isaac on a knee with the two brothers on opposite sides of him.

"Ethan, I always forget, how many bones are in the human body?" They could hear Aiden wonder smugly.

"I don't know, let's count." The two boys were so distracted they'd not heard Scarlet and Scott sprinting towards them.

Scarlet and Scott glanced at one another and with a swift acknowledgment simultaneously reeled their arm back, Scarlet's left and Scott's right. A first step, second step, third step - they launched their fists forward and Scarlet took out Aiden's jaw while Scott got Ethan.

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