A Special Morning

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A/N: I could not not write a fanfic for Shimon's birthday. So here it is! Happy Birthday, Shimon! And a Happy Shimon's Birthday for everyone! This little piece is filled with so much fluff and cliche, it might make you gooey. Just a warning. ;)  

The sound of tripping was the first thing that reached his mind, as his mind drifted into consciousness. The cool air surrounding his face was the second. Sleepy he shifted his body to bury his nose in her hair to shield it from the cold outside of their little covern. A sigh left him before he'd fully turned, expecting to be enveloped in her wonderful scent and cloaked in her soothing warmth.

His heart tumbled uncomfortably in his chest with disappointment, when he found neither of it. Blinking his eyes open, he came face to face with a tidied pillow halfway covered by an equally neat tidied blanket.

Fully awake now he jolted upwards. His eyes searched for her but unlike usually they did not find her immediately. Scanning the room he saw the bright colored drapes in front of the windows opened a slit to let in a bit of light. Behind them he could see rain drops knocking on the glass, announcing the beginning of fall. She must have opened the drapes a bit to have enough light to walk around the room without hindrance.

Shimon sighed and stretched, wondering where she had might gone off to. It wasn't that he was a small boy. One which couldn't wait to receive his presents. He had never been like this. Not even when he was at that age, all boys were excruciatingly excited for their new toys. Yet, he couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed. He loved their morning routine. It was always him waking up first and pulling her into a last embrace before the responsibilities of daily life interrupted them. She would huff a breath of contentment or mumble a "Good morning" once she was waking up. And he missed it now. It was making him feel like an idiot. A foolish, love-smitten idiot who should not be disappointed by such a silly thing. Yet, he was. He was but a fool in love with his wife. Not wanting to appear too clingy for both their sakes, he stretched his limbs and got up, planning not to show her anything of his sour mood. Why would she break their tradition today on all days anyway?

He grabbed the pair of trousers from yesterday and put them on above his shirt and boxers from the night. He wanted to know what was going on. Leaving their room he found the hallway empty. There was no sound to be heard in their home except for the rain tripping against the windows, which felt odd and weird to him. He wasn't scared easily but he couldn't help the nagging feeling of foreboding reaching his mind. Straightening up his shoulders he reached for the door on his right. Pushing it open he was granted with a fully lit room and another deserted bed with tidied bedding. What was going on?

With a quicker pace he crossed the hall. The sound of his feet pounding against the ground pierced the uncomfortable silence and accelerated the beat of his heart. He might be overreacting. Surely nothing had happened. Maybe Mayura had chosen to pay their family a early morning visit. Maybe she was running errands so she could spend the rest of her day with him.

But nothing of this mattered in this moment. He just wanted to see them right now to be sure.

Having taken a small set of steps and a longer trail of thoughts, he looked around the living room but found nothing. He was almost reaching for his phone in the pocket of his trousers when he noticed something despite the unwavering background sound of the rain stumbling against his ears or the cool air of fall showering his skin. It was a scent, a warm scent, making him feel homely in an instant. The promise of sugar and chocolate was tickling his nose. And he followed its trail back to the closed kitchen door.

He pressed down the door handle and heard a stifled giggle form inside the room. Shimon couldn't help but smile when he pushed the door open and was welcomed not only with the concentrated smell of a chocolate cake but the sight of the two most important woman in his life, wearing the same beautiful expression. A mix of smug delight and impish anticipation. Forgotten was his discomfort and worry and he chose to fall into their play by clearing his throat. His daughter replied with another giggle, filling the house with so much warmth, he wondered if the rain might evaporate outside. Batter covered her face, some of it near her mouth obviously licked away in a series of attempts. The blonde of her hair was mostly spared but the pinkish ends stuck together. To Shimon she had never looked cuter. With a proud quake in his chest he skimmed his eyes over to her mother, who watched her with eyes so full of adoration and love, he felt immediately intoxicated by them. Her eyes skipped over to him and their gazes met. His breath was caught in his chest, looking into the twinkling of her eyes that reminded him of a starry sky in the wee morning hours. Would he ever stop feeling like this when he looked at her?

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