::Chapter 20:: Honesty and Guilt

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Both parties clearly astonished by what had been revealed, for a moment they could do little but stare each other down. Charlie's lips agape, and whilst Anthony was able to conduct himself with a bit more elegance, it was apparent he too was confounded.

For a moment, there was no words or movement. Like too statues, petrified where they stood.

Then all at once everything seemed to happen with an explosion of action.

Spinning around on his heel, Anthony was gone through the wall before Charlie could think to follow him. Knowing there was nowhere to run, the young wolf could only hope that he wasn't being left here to starve now it was apparent he was useless.

Pausing with uncertainty, he tensed. Ready to throw everything he had against the wall in order to get out, but it turned out that he wouldn't have to wait too long as a pair of confused guards returned to the room.

Millions of thoughts pounding his brain, it was hard to think straight, but he knew one thing.

He needed answers.

And to get them he was going to need to get out of here alive.

Charlie lunged, on four paws before any of the guards had realised he had moved to shift and he was threw the wall as fast as he was capable of going. Spilling all over his own paws as he struggled to keep his balance.

In a split second, Anthony had realised what was going on and the opening in the wall snapped shut behind him. A howl tore from him as it snapped shut on the very tip of his tail but he didn't look back.

Not stopping to think or hesitate, he charged blindly forward with a growl.

Partly terrified that the tip of his tail would not be the only thing he would leave behind if Anthony was able to get a good enough grip on him. Charlie ran, no clue of where he was going. He simply prayed that he would be able to find his way above ground once again.

Racing through the darkness, practically blind as he fought his way through endless dead ends and narrow paths. The lanterns had gone out with a great wind, no doubt the work of one of the witches capable of brewing fire at their own fingertips to light the way.

It may have left Charlie at a disadvantage, but he wasn't concentrating on that right now.

The further he went, the darker his mind became. Until the inevitable happened.

A snarl split open the darkness as he lost it completely, and something more feral raced through the darkness. More than happy to rip into anyone or anything that got in his way as he threw himself further and further down the tunnels.

Skidding to a stop at a scent of life, he tossed his head from side to side. Snarling through the pain as he tried to pinpoint the source of it. Certain that there could be no other reason for his pain, and intent on killing them all.

Rippling from him was a growl which would have given the Devil reason to panic, his ears flat to his head and fangs bared. He was all but cornered in the dark corridors, and it was doing nothing to help.

However, there was a voice from the darkness which very nearly pulled him from the darkness, mentally at least. "Snap out of it." Came a somewhat familiar voice.


Not fully back to normal, but caught by surprise by the sudden presence of somebody who didn't want him dead. As far as he was aware. A very animalistic growl tore from his throat, giving tell to the fact that he was still anything but human.

"What are you doing here?" He demanded, a feeling of panic very nearly overwhelming the need to kill. Nearly.

For the time being it could be the only thing that was stopping him from inadvertently killing the one friendly witch he currently had on his side.

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