Chapter 5: Creatures of the dark

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        After several more days of riding, Thorin decided to camp out near a home that used to belong to a farmer and his family.

"Oin, Gloin, make a fire!" he ordered."Fili, Kili, look after the ponies."

        Gandalf was trying to persuade Thorin of going further into The Hidden Valley and get help from the Elves, but Thorin was too proud, stubborn, and he thought that they did not need the help from the Elves; he thought that Elves wouldn't bother to try and help them. Maya overheard the conversation they were having and sighed with sorrow. Gandalf became very angry with Thorin and his stubbornness, the wizard went away.

"Is everything alright? Gandalf, where are you going?" asked Bilbo, quite concerned. Maya, Bilbo and the Dwarves watched the grey wizard walk away and disappear into the forest.

        "Don't worry, he'll come back Bilbo." said Maya, the Dwarves all looked at her vaguely. "He will return, he is not leaving us yet." she finished. She glanced at Kili he stared back at her and his lips curved into a small grin, she grinned back then looked to Thorin who seemed a bit irritated still from Gandalf's suggestion.


        When night had come Bilbo cooked some stew and the company ate. Bofur was serving it, he asked Bilbo to take some to Fili and Kili. Maya was afraid, she started thinking what she could do for them when they encountered the Trolls. She stared at Thorin and thought, an idea came to her mind.

        "Thorin." she said softly standing in front of him, he was sitting on a log sharpening his sword.

"What is it?"

        "I was wondering if I could have a dagger."

"What do you need a dagger for?"

        "I have a feeling, I feel something bad will happen, and if something does happen I will be unarmed."

"Nothing bad will happen yet, we are deep in the woods and there is nothing or no one out here that is dangerous."

        "You don't know that Thorin... I'm going to go find Fili and Kili if you need me."

Maya sighed frustrated. She walked quietly through the dark green forest and it reminded her of the forest she was lost in. The voices of the Dwarves faded away and she saw Fili and Kili on guard but not with the ponies they were carefully watching something else.

        "Hello there." she said. They both jumped in fear, and put their hand on their heart breathing deeply.

"Ahh!" they both shouted.

"Maya you frightened us!" said Fili, putting his sword back from drawing it.

        "I'm sorry I didn't mean to." she said softly. "Where's Bilbo?" she tried to look behind them but they stood closely together blocking her view.

"We lost two ponies." said Kili

"Mr. Baggins just went to look for them." said Fili.

        She noticed two bowls of stew still untouched. "Alright." she said then turned around and began to walk away slowly. Fili and Kili relaxed their bodies and let out a sigh of relief. Maya then quickly turned around and began running towards them she knocked just Kili down they both laughed and searched for each other's eyes. Maya then looked up and saw a fire and three large beasts. Her smile faded away.

        "Trolls." she said standing up. "Trolls took the ponies didn't they?"

"Yes." said Fili.

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