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Toby read over the file as he lounged in the large library that had been created earlier that year. He shifted a bit and crossed his legs. Worrying his bottom lip with his teeth, he flipped to the next page.

Dangers: Multiple firearms, especially around the front room

Weakness: Deathly afraid of poison ivy

Toby snorted. Wonderful.

Routine: 7:00 - Finish homework, 7:15 - Shower, 7:24 - TV, 8:00 - Bed, 8:21 - Deep Sleep

The victim's routine seemed pretty simple and if Toby had to be completely honest, strongly resembled one of a middle school student. The young man flipped back to the first page and re-read the information.

Name: Alex Jones

Age: 24

Sex: M

Strengths: Well educated with firearms; knows how to take down a man without trying

Then, Toby noticed something at the bottom of the page in tiny, bold letters: Don't fuck this up.
Ah, Masky. Always the charmer. Toby let out the most exaggerated, dramatic sigh in history, even going so far as to put his hand up on his forehead and pull an almost pain stricken face.

"Ooh, what's got'cha goin' now?" Clocky asked as she walked up behind the sofa Toby had been laying on.

"Oh, you know, the usual," Toby replied and the young woman rolled her good eye.

"Mhm. Masky again?"

"Isn't it always?"

"Psh. You're obsessed."

"No. I'm interested."

Clocky rolled her eyes and walked over to stand in front of the sofa. Toby glanced up at her before moving his legs so that his knees were bent and a cushion was open for the woman to sit down. When she did, Toby draped his legs over her lap, causing the other killer to laugh.


"My knees cramp."


"Nu-" Toby stopped as his head suddenly twitched to the side and his muscles ticked. "Uh," he finished.

Clocky tsked and leaned back, putting her arms behind her head and closing her eye. The only sounds that could be heard was the sound of Toby flipping through the rest of the file in his hand and faint footsteps from outside the door. None of them ever stopped, though, and Clocky guessed that they were the Creeps who didn't want to get too close to Toby, fearing that he might 'spazz out' on them at any given moment. But from the lack of his stutter, Clocky knew that he was in the all clear; the boy was somewhat relaxed.

"So, what did you get for tonight?" Clocky asked, looking over.

"Bullshit," Toby replied, dropping the folder onto the floor and crossing his arms over his chest.

"Don't worry, kid, you'll get a good one soon."

"Don't call me kid-d."

"That sounded like one more 'd' than needed."

"Shut up."

They both looked up as the door creaked open and in walked Sally, rubbing her eyes and yawning.

"What's up, my fellow little cretin?" Clocky asked, using Masky's word from earlier.

"'M tired..."

"That so? Come over here." Clocky shoved Toby's legs off of her lap and reached out towards Sally.

The child quickly made her way over to the older woman and climbed into her lap without hesitation. She leaned her head on Clocky's chest and closed her eyes. Clocky wrapped her arms around the girl and slouched in her seat a bit, her boots scraping against the wood floor. Toby rolled his eyes and leaned his head back on the arm of the sofa, slowly closing his eyes and falling into another dark abyss of sleep.

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