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BEN wasn't all to pleased when he heard that they had to take the bus to get to the store.

"But why?" he asked as he dragged his feet.

"Because we told Jeff and Masky that we'd only be gone for an hour and it takes almost a full hour to walk to the store."

BEN groaned and Toby rolled his eyes. He took out enough money for the both of them as they waited at the bus stop for the public bus to make its stop. He signaled for Smile to lay down, and the dog obediently did so, laying down at Toby's feet and putting his head on his paws. Toby reached up and adjusted his medical mask, making sure that it covered the entirety of the bottom half of his face. He had no scars or deformities to hide, of course, it was more just to conceal his identity.

"How much longer?" BEN whined.

"A couple minutes. Calm your tits."

Two minutes later, the bus pulled up in front of them. BEN stepped on first and then Toby followed close behind, with Smile at his side, and handed the money to the driver. They picked a seat close to the back and tried to keep themselves inconspicuous.
As they sat down, side by side, BEN pulled out his phone and started up one of his apps while Toby got Smile situated in front of him on the floor. He scratched behind the large dog's ear and Smile's grin widened. Of course, BEN and Toby were the only two on the bus who could see it. As the bus began driving away, there was a loud pounding coming from the font and the vehicle screeched to a stop.

"What the fuck?" BEN whispered as he looked over at Toby.

"Like I'd know," Toby muttered in reply, sinking down lower in the seat.

The driver reluctantly opened the doors and two women stepped on. One seemed to be in her mid-twenties and the other around 18 or 19; both were quietly grumbling to each other as they took the seat across the aisle from Toby and BEN. Toby shrugged and quickly went back to scraping dirt out from under his nails. He spread his legs out a bit more, as the position he was sitting in was a bit uncomfortable.

One of the girls sharply breathed through her nose.


"Excuse me," the girl said, turning to face the two boys.

Toby glanced up and was met with a hard stare. "...Yes?"

"I was just wondering why you're doing that."

"Doing w-what?"

"Manspreading like that."

BEN's shoulders began shaking as he started to quietly laugh.

"What?" Toby asked, taken aback.

"Why. Are. You. Manspreading? It's not a hard question to answer."

The teen swallowed and raised an eyebrow. He replied, his voice slightly muffled by the mask, "I-I'm doing this because I-I have these things c-c-called b-balls between my legs and if I k-keep my legs closed, they get p-pinched."

"Well maybe you should do it in another seat where you're not making this girl next to you uncomfortable."

BEN's head shot up and his mouth fell open. "Yo, what the FUCK?! I'm not a fuckin' girl! I'm a full fledged male with a dick."

"W-Well you just-"

"Do I have to drop my pants in front of you to fucking prove my manliness? Or 'manspread' like my friend here?"

"Just shut up and mind your own business," the older girl finally cut in.

"Oh, I need to mind my own business? How about you pay attention to your own fuckin' lives and stop hating on us for having nuts."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2017 ⏰

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