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While Toby and BEN waited for LJ and Painter to get back from the infirmary, they decided to go outside and spar for a while.

"BEN, if you try to punch me in the dick on more time-"

"Okay, okay! No more genital abuse! I got it." BEN grinned and lunged at Toby, swinging his sword down just mere inches from the other boy's right arm.

"Look you know I can't feel that shit, but I think that I'd be able to notice a missing arm; chill."

BEN groaned. "Stop bein' such a pussy and fight me."

"Actually, a vagina is super fucking strong. Do you know how far those things stretch out when a woman is giving bir-"

"Oh my god! TMI, Toby! TMI! Stop talking about vaginas and fucking do something."

Toby shrugged and rushed as BEN, swiping his leg and knocking BEN flat on his back. The elf landed with a small 'oof'.

"Motherfucker..." he groaned and rolled over so that he could get up on his hands and knees.

"BEN, I'd move!" Toby shouted as he swung his hatchet down.

BEN flew back and the hatchet struck the ground instead of his head. Reaching up, he fixed his hat, which had slipped to the side. With a grin, he shot up and thrust his sword forward, cutting through the side of Toby's shirt and scratching his side.

"Hey, I like this shirt!" Toby whined and bashed BEN in the side of his head with the blunt side of his hatchet.

BEN stumbled back again, this time holding his head. He fell back against a tree and pulled his hand away to see it covered in blood.

"Oh, you monumental piece of shit."

"What're you gonna do, dick twitch?"

BEN growled and dropped his sword, going for the dagger he had sheathed on his belt. He shot forward faster than Toby could react and sliced into the teen's stomach.

"Dude, watch it!" Toby screamed. "I've got enough scars without your help!"

"Oh calm down, ya big baby. It's not even deep enough to scar. Yet."

As the sparring continued, a conversation started between the two.

"So, have you got your other hatchet back yet?"

"No, but I plan on doing it sometime- Fuck!- Sometime this week."


"Breaking and entering. How else?"

BEN snorted. "Is Masky gonna allow it?"

"Probably not."

"You're doing it anyways, aren't you."

"I totally am."

BEN grunted as his legs were swiped out from under him and he was sent sprawling on his back. "Bitch."

Toby grinned behind his mask and stood over the small blonde. He held his hand out and BEN gratefully took it. Just as Toby got BEN back to his feet, a window slammed shut and they looked up to see Jeff glaring down at them from the fourth floor.

"Looks like your on his hit-list now, too," BEN said and Toby rolled his eyes, flipping Jeff the bird.

"He can cut a whole in his hit-list and fuck it."

"That doesn't sound comfortable in the slightest."

The two brushed themselves off and headed back inside, hoping that Painter and LJ were out by now so that they could finish Mario Kart from where they'd left off when the fight started. They turned down the right hall from the living room and passed the ball room where social parties were usually held and continued a few more feet before reaching the infirmary door. Toby raised his fist to knock, but the door swung open before he could even press his knuckles against the dark wood.

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