Ch.6 The Royal Meeting (part 2)

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   Twilight opens the door with her magic and tells everyone to come in. StarBurst is hesitant at first but she has to go in. "Alright everypony please feel comfortable and find a seat or float/stand if you want" says Twilight heading to her own seat. Of course the all of Twilight's friends sit in there own seats while the princesses use there magic to make a temporary seat for them.

"So the first thing that must be said is i will not run this meeting" says princess Celestia. Everybody looks at her weird confused why she is not running the meeting. "But princess aren't you the one that decided we should have a meeting" says Twilight. "Yes but I was hoping that StarBurst would run the meeting".

"ME!? I DIDN'T EVEN PLAN ANYTHING!" says StarBurst hyperventilating. "Hahahaha you sound like somepony when she doesn't plan stuff right either" says Celestia giggling and looking at Twilight. Twilight understands what Celestia was implying and sighs but laughs a little. "Good one dear now tell everyone how Twilight's not funny and is dramatic" says Discord using his magic to put Twilight in clown clothes. Celestia scowls at Discord while Twilight sighs. "Umm..I was only joking of course" says Discord using his magic now to remove the clown clothes off of Twilight. "Alright well sense StarBurst is thinking I'll just get some drinks for everyone" says Twilight getting up from her seat. "Sounds.....good mom.." says StarBurst.

"So what are you going to talk about?" says Princess Cadence holding her husband ,shining armor, hoof. StarBurst makes a huge gulp noise and mumbles a bit. "I...I am going to talk about....ummm..." StarBurst looks around but can't seem to find anything. "KINGDOMS" she exclaims. "What" says the princesses. " how is everything going there" StarBurst says.

"Fine?" says Celestia. "Oh um that's good" says StarBurst. "I uh need to go get something" says StarBurst. StarBurst bolts out of the room as fast as she can. "I'm gonna go check on her" says Illusion.

Crystal Clarity mind
Maybe this is my chance to hangout with illusion!

"Hey mom can I go use the bathroom" says Crystal Clarity. "Sure darling be quick" says Rarity. Crystal Clarity follows Illustration out of the room.

StarBurst was quickly running to her room and freaking out. Once she made it there she locked the door. "Ugh I can't do this!" StarBurst then quickly ran on to her bed and put her pillow over her head. "I'll just stay in her till everyone leaves" StarBurst says still with the pillow over her head. Then there was a knock at the door. "StarBurst! It's Crystal and Illusion! Are you okay?" Says crystal yelling at the the door to StarBursts room.

"No! I'm not okay!" Says StarBurst hoping they will leave. Crystal uses her magic and unlocks the door and opens it. "StarBurst what are you doing with a pillow over your head" says Illusion trying to hold back his laughter. "I'm staying in here" says StarBurst. "No your not you have to go out there" says Crystal Clarity using her magic to levitate the pillow of StarBursts head. "Hey ugh no I am staying in here!"

"But if you don't go out there your mom will get mad and Celestia will be very upset" says Crystal Clarity. "But there's no other choice. I can't do this whole royal meeting" says StarBurst now just sitting on her bed. "Then don't do it alone" says Crystal Clarity sitting next to StarBurst. Crystal Clarity then puts her hoof claws on StarBurst shoulders. StarBurst looks up at Crystal Clarity then looks at a scroll she had on her desk.

"Your right and I know exactly what I'm going to do" says StarBurst getting up. Crystal Clarity, StarBurst, and Illusion all get up and head back to the main room.

"Are you sure you got this?" Crystal Clarity. "I don't know but I think it's gonna be the right thing" says StarBurst. They stop at the door and Cyrstal Clarity turns and looks at StarBurst. "Good luck" she says.

All 3 walk inside where the princesses are drinking lemonade and twilight is in her seat. StarBurst takes a deep breath in as she walks to the front of the room. "May I have the attention of everypony please?" Says StarBurst. Everyone looks at StarBurst.

"As you guys saw I ran out of this meeting and tried to avoid it but I realized that doing that wasn't the answer and I wouldn't have done it without Crystal Clarity and Illusion. I learned that you must never run away from your problems even if you are to scared to face them. And while I was away I realized that i might learn more lessons like these in the future. So my plan today is that we should all write letters of what we learn to all the princesses. But not just any princess your letter must be sent to the right princess. It can be the princess of friendship, love, moon, or sun. Whatever your letter is about it must be sent to the princess who best represents what your letter is about. And sense I know spike will be to busy with rarity, Crystal will be sending your letters."

"ME!?!?" says Crystal Clarity shocked. "Yes you are the only one that has the magic abilities like spike to send letters" says StarBurst. "It would be an honor" says Crystal Clarity still in shock. Everyone talks around and then looks back at StarBurst. "This is a brilliant idea StarBurst well done" says Celestia. "Oh hooray, now we can finally stop with the boring stuff and celebrate a new way of learning lessons" says discord using his magic to make balloons, streamers, and sweets to appear. "Oh yeah definitely, I like the sound of that" says Pinkie Pie.

Everyone laughs and the decides to eat cake and celebrate.

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