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After a few nights of working the later shift, you got used to seeing Kira and sitting with him afterwards.
But one night, he didn't show up.
This freaked you out a bit, there were so many reasons as to why!
"Did I do something? Is he mad at me? Maybe he's tired of me! Am I annoying? Is he dead??"
Thoughts rushed through your head for the duration of the extra hour of overtime you worked waiting for him to walk in. But then you remembered he was a serial killer and businessman. He might have been busy with work, or...something else. It didn't bother you that he killed people anymore, since you seen how nice he could be you were sure he had a reason for it.

Walking out of the shop, you decided to go look for him. You got on your bike and rode through the empty and dark roads of Morioh until you heard people yelling.
Slowly approaching the corner of the road, you peeked your head around to see Kira and some tall guy dressed in white beating the shit out of each other, only not with their hands.
See, this motherfucker was JACKED.
He looked way more built than Kira.
But instead of straight up throwing punches, there were two ghost-like beings above them who were fighting???
You heard Kira yell and he pointed at the tall asshole.
A goddamn cat ghost with no nose beat the shit out of the tall motherfucker's ghost dude so hard it gave Muhammad Ali a boner.
"What the fuck," you accidentally spoke out loud, causing Kira to glance in your direction. The tall dude fell back and looked to be knocked out cold. Kira's ghost thing disappeared and he started walking over to you. You were visibly shaken.
"I'm sure that was really strange out of context," he muttered.
Kira offered to walk you back home. On the way, he explained what was going on, what stands were, and how strange it was that you could see them.
"Thanks for walking me, Kira. And next time, tell me in advance when you won't show up to the store! I worked an hour of overtime waiting for you!" You said playfully.
Kira nodded and waved, and started walking towards his house.
"I don't know why, but I have a feeling that things are going to get very interesting."

The next day was Saturday. You had the day off , and you ended up sleeping until 9:00 AM which was pretty late for you. You got dressed in a hoodie and jeans (if you don't like it, change it to whatever just don't be a thot) and planned to lounge lazily around your house.

You were walking into the living room until you stopped as your vision became increasingly dark until you fainted on the floor.
You've fainted before, and usually you remembered nothing but black.
But this time, you saw something.
It was a blurry picture, it looked like the hilltop that you and Kira sat at after your shift, but something about it seemed...
The colors were too faded and pale, unlike the liveliness you were used to. You tried with the best of your ability to picture the image clearer, but suddenly you became too aware and woke up to your alarm clock to realize it was Friday and you had to get to work.

AN: what the hell did I write

Yoshikage Kira x Reader (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now