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"Really? That's ok?"
Kira asked.
"Yeah. Make yourself at home, and I'm not too nervous about you messing up my house,"
You got up and looked for some blankets.
"So feel free to stay however long you want. Your company is more enjoyable than anyone else's."
Kira smiled and followed you over to your room.
"You can sleep on the futon in the living room, or if you really want you could sleep in my bed,"
You said sheepishly.
Kira said nothing and just had a smile as he pulled you down into your bed and cuddled you.
You tensed up a bit but enjoyed the affection. He'd probably been busy with work and needed a break. "____, I don't think you realize how cute you are,"
He paused.
"I'm not sure why I feel the need to protect you but I know that I'll never let anything hurt you, or I'll die trying."
He kissed your forehead making you blush madly.
Kira let you run your fingers through his hair and sweep some of it in front of his face which you found really cute. You let him give you a hand massage and trace the crevices of your palms with his fingers. You found it relaxing.
Finally, both of you got pretty tired and lay down to sleep. Kira took off his tie and blazer and untucked his shirt. You were so used to hugging a pillow, but you didn't have room to do that so you hugged Kira instead. He put an arm around you and you slept like that the whole night.
You dreamt about the hill again. It was still so serene and beautiful, but this time there was no distortion. 'Perfect,' you said to yourself in the dream.

For seemingly one in Kira's life, he didn't have a dream with hands. It was was with you. (And your hands.) He was so happy.

When you woke up, you felt really sick.
"Naniiii," you clenched your stomach. (No, you didn't bang kira you gross fuck)
You remembered Kira was with you and you looked around for him. He wasn't in the bed, but you heard clattering in the kitchen assuming he was making breakfast.
"How sweet!" You thought while feeling like death.
Unable to move, you just kinda tried to fall back asleep. But why did you feel so sick?
(Stay tuned for the next episode of dragon ball z)
Kira wasn't making breakfast, though. He was actually taking the old hands out of his blazer and chopping them up in disgust of the person he was. He didn't feel bad for killing the women, he was disappointed that he wasted his time doing it when you were here all along.
Kira got bored afterwards wondering why you hadn't woken up yet. He went in and checked on you.

"____, why are you still laying there?"
"I feel really sick and it hurts to move."
"Where does it hurt?" He asked.
"Here," you pointed to the back of your neck, low and behold there was a stand.
Kira was a bit afraid that you wouldn't learn how to control it.
Over time, you did, though. It grew into this really cool looking (insert stand appearance) and you used it for simple tasks. Kira helped you to rehabilitate and control it, and it paid off.
One day, you were at Kira's house making dinner. He was late from work which had you a bit concerned until you heard the door unlock.
"Welcome home," you called out.
"____, you may want to hear me out for a moment," he spoke gravely.
"What is it?"
"Okay. I don't look like myself, my appearance has changed in the last battle I fought."
"Summon Killer Queen so that I know it's really you, then."
He shouted "KERA KUEEN" and there it was.
Kira walked out and made his way into the kitchen, only his eyes seemed...fuller, and his hair was black.
He was still shockingly attractive.
"Woah! Kira, what happened?"
Kira pulled you into a sudden embrace.
"Do you remember when you were waiting for me to come home at the end of the block and I told you to start walking back to make dinner because I had some other business to attend to?"
--------find out in next chap------
A/N can someone please explain how Kira became Kosaku because I still don't fully understand that thanks✨✨
Also I hate this so much

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