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Kira had left your house the following morning to go start his life under a new identity. (Yet still wear the same suit.)
"Kira, be safe, ok? And don't forget to visit,"
You spoke sadly, seeing him off at the door.
"I know."
He gave you a peck on the cheek and walked out the door. You watched him walk away and felt increasingly sad with each step he took.
"It's just for a little bit, ___. You can do this!"
You tried to think of positive encouragements for yourself.

The day carried on, and all you could think to do was clean and cook. After doing that for hours and eventually getting bored, you decided to walk around Morioh. You slipped on some casual clothes and locked the door on your way out.
"I need to get groceries,"
You thought. Walking into the doors of the 7-11, you spotted some teenagers in bizarre school uniforms glancing at you skeptically as you passed them. "Weird."
"Eggs, milk, soda, and coffee..."
You tried to remember what else you needed to purchase. A small sense of nostalgia hit you as you approached the counter; when you used to work the night shift.
When you first met Kira, the only interesting thing that's ever happened in your life.
"I need to get these paid for before I start crying,"
You thought to yourself and rolled your eyes.
"That'll be ¥900, miss."
*beep boop*
"Have a nice day!"
Upon walking out of the shop, the same teenagers were still outside, and one with a pompadour approached you.
"Er, excuse me,"
You were a bit startled.
"When was the last time I talked to someone other than Kira?? I'm so socially retarded now.."
"My name is Josuke. These are my friends Okuyasu and Koichi. We're on the hunt for a serial killer named Yoshikage Kira."
Josuke shoved a terrible crayon drawing of what was supposed to be Kira in your face.
"U-um... I'm afraid I haven't seen him," you squeaked.
"Are you sure? Take a good loo-"
"Josuke, chill out man. She hasn't seen him," the one with currency symbols on his jacket interrupted.
"Okay. If you see anyone who looks like this man, call this number please."
Josuke handed you a slip of paper with a number on it. You accepted the paper and bowed, and walked away quickly.
"What the hell was that?" You muttered.
"What if those were the teens Kira mentioned the other day...
There's no way they could find him now. He's under a completely different appearance," you thought out loud.
"And was that a ploy for that kid to just give out his number?"

Approaching your house, you saw Kira waiting for you by the door. "Oh, I'm so glad you didn't forget to visit!" You cheered.
He smiled which made your heart flutter.
"I wouldn't forget it for the world. I have so much to tell you about this family."

Sitting down at the dinner table, you listened to Kira ramble about Kosaku's life.
"So, Kosaku's wife Shinobu is a very nice woman. She talks a lot, though. And her son Hayato, is a little shit."
You laughed slightly at his enthusiasm.
"He has a hunch that I'm not his father and it's bothering me. As long as he doesn't figure out the truth, we'll be alright."

"I'm glad that it's not terrible," you replied.
"Just keep doing what you're doing and I'll figure something out, whether it involves you filing a missing person report or whatever."
"Don't get hurt while I'm gone, ____."
"I saw those kids talking to you by the convenience store. Those were the ones who I was fighting with, they're looking for me."
"There's no way they could find you now! And I don't think they'd hurt me, if that's what you mean. If anything, I'm more concerned about you, Kira."
"I guess you're right. But stay safe nonetheless, and whatever you do, don't let those kids discover you're a stand user. They'll use your ability to track me down."
"I understand, I won't."
"I have to get going or Shinobu will start spam calling me, so I'll see you later."
"Yeah, see you tomorrow hopefully."
Kira pulled you into a tight hug and heaved a sigh.
"Bye, ____. I love you."
"I love you too, Kira," you replied and blushed like a tomato.
You watched him walk out the door again and fade into the night, your expression saddening with each step he took, just like that morning.
"I hope he never slips away from me."

You closed the door, locked it behind you, and called it a night.

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