Fate has sided with YOSHOKAGE

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Kira explained to you what happened, and how he's forced to live with a family that isn't his.
"This is Hayato...my 'son.'
Kira said the last part in an annoyed tone.
"And this is Shinobu, my wife."
He made air quotes with his fingers to emphasize his disappointment.
"What are we gonna do? I still want to see you everyday, or at least once every few days. Shinobu will think you're cheating, and that poor kid Hayato..."
"Kosaku isn't me. I'm him, but he still isn't me. And if that's the case, then why should I care about Kosaku's social life?"
"You should care because I'm sure they're nice people. Shinobu isn't getting her husband back,
and Hayato isn't getting his father back. At least be kind to them, they didn't choose this!"

Kira sighed. "Fine. I'm taking his job, so I'll be able to meet you after 4:30 PM every day. I'll come over to your house, and I'll give you the keys to my old one just in case."

"That sounds fine. If only there were a way to get yourself back, or even Kosaku himself. There's so many ways to fix this problem but they're all so complicated!" You said, frustrated.
"I say either I divorce Shinobu, maybe kill her and Hayato in cold blood, or we move somewhere else and I legally change my name back to Kira and you file a missing person report on Kosaku."

"That last one....might just work," you spoke quietly.

The black-haired man looked down. Genuinely disappointed for once in his life. "F/n...."
Kira placed his hands on your shoulders.
"What is it?"
"I'm really sorry. I'm not sure exactly how this happened, but this issue will be solved eventually, believe me."
"I do, Kira. But you can do me one favor and not fall for Shinobu Kawajiri~!"
You giggled slightly and ran back to finish dinner.
"Can you stay tonight, though?"
"Yes. I lied to Shinobu that I'd be staying overnight at work."
"Oh, that's a relief. I made 3 servings of Pad ki mao (Thailand food) on accident, so I was really hoping you could."
"Even better than hands."
"Juuust kidding."

At the table:

"....And yeah so these stupid teens are trying to find me, but there's no way they're going to do that now that I've changed my appearance. Also I don't kill for pleasure anymore."
"Jeez. They're stand users too...
They might be really powerful ones as well. So be careful!" You warned him eagerly.
"Even if they do approach me, I have Kosaku's ID to 'prove' that I'm not him."
"Smaaaart. Just act like your normal bigshot buisness man would, I guess."

After dinner, you turned on the TV to see news reports of *more* corpses with no hands being found around the Morioh area.
"Gee, I wonder who it could be," you said sarcastically. Kira chuckled.
You and Kira fell asleep messily on the futon mattress in the living room. Kira fell asleep before you to see your arms around his waist and your face cutely nuzzled against him.
His face darkened.

"That's....that's fuckin' adorable,"
He thought, containing his excitement.
And he fell asleep with his limbs sprawled out, unsure of what lay ahead for the next few days.

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