Im crying

49 2 12

Error: *got shot* huh, so this is how I die *smiles* bleeding out from a gun wound. I guess there's just once last thing to do before I punch my clock.

Ink: *phone rings* hey babe

Error: hey Hun, how are you?

Ink: great I've been hanging out with blueberry and dream all day. And im planning on making your favorite meal to night, accompanied by some chocolate cake for dessert how dose that sound?

Error: it's sounds amazing inky, but you really don't have to do that for me. Your all I need in life and no matter what you could never top yourself.

Ink: Aww error your not even here and your making me blush

Error: natural born talent I guess

Ink:*rolls eyes* yeah uh-huh anyway theoretically if we were to have a child would you want it

Error: to tell the truth I'd be scared as heck and wouldn't want to ruin or drop him but if we did I wouldn't ever regret it. Hey ink I love you you know that right?

Ink: Heh, I know and love you too Mr.glitch *finishs putting the bun in the oven* anyway what we name them

Error: Hm? Name what?

Ink: the baby if we had one

Error: girl- Emily boy- um paperjam yeah paperjam

Ink: they sound lovely error

Error: hey I'd like to change an answer earlier, even though I would be scared I would have loved being a father.

Ink: you know maybe that could happen. .....*cheacks phone*

Error:*hung up*

Ink: huh anyway *ding* cheacks phone

Error: 'I will never stop loving you <3'

Ink: Heh error you big teddy bear I love you too

~~~~~ time skip~~~~~
*knock knock*
Ink: Error! Ok everyone hide come in when I say so.
*all the sans hide*

Ink: *opens door* Error! Im so- wait a second officers what's the matter?

Officer: im sorry sir but are you married to mister Error

Ink: Why yes, what has happened

Officer: we regret to inform you but *ink already had tears in his eyes and hand in front of his mouth in shock* as of today you husband passed away from blood loss from a gun wound next to his heart. Sorry for your loss

Ink: *a sob had escaped his mouth* n-n-no please god no not now *closes door* d-d-dream

Dream: *pops out the look of sadness quickly involving his face* INK, *he quickly run over to his friend and huged him trying to comfort him* what happened did error do something, I swear to god when-

Ink: Er-ror he's h-he's g-gone *he hugged dream tight sobbing into his chest*

Dream: oh *motions for everyone to join there faces quickly turning sad at seeing inks  state*

Ink: now p-p-PJ will never know his fathers name.

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