I Don't know any more

37 2 21

[warning curseing]

Sci: If something excites you and scares the heck out of you at the same time that means you should probably do it.

Lust: Welp, Time to fuck a blender!

Sci: Wait No!


Horror: Ha, I'm a piece of trash.

Lust: *slams fist on table* As a person who cares deeply about the environment, I am obligated to pick you up. Is 8 ok with you?

Horror: You smooth B I T C H!


Fresh: They say 70% of you is H2O.

Fresh: Well the other 30% of me Wants2Die!


Dream: Oh my God, Cross, those pants look great! But they would look even better on Nightmare's bedroom floor~

Nightmare: Are you hitting on cross ... for me?


Horror: When you said 'magical in bed' this isn't exactly what I thought you meant-

Lust *holds up 5 of hearts* is this your card?

Horror *softly* Holy shit.


Ink: I hate You!

Error: I Hate Me More!

Ink: ... Babe, we talked about this.


Lust: Nice hands, horror.

Horror: Um ... Thanks ...?

Lust: I bet they'd look better wrapped around my-



Ink: Dream! I found out what DTF means!

Dream: oh, um w-what does it mean ink ...

Ink: DOWN TO FIGHT of course

Dream: oh yeah o-of course, you know what you should totally go tell error that.

Ink: you know what I will!

Dream: yeah you go do that. *while walking away* Jesus freaking Christ.


Cross: Hey

Nightmare: Hey?

Cross: I can't sleep

Nightmare: Well I can. Goodnight.


Error: I Steal Everything!!!!!!

Ink: You won't steal my heart!

Error: You look stunning by the way.

Ink: *quietly* Fuck


Blue *kisses red's cheek*

Red: what the fuck was that

Blue: Affection

Red: Disgusting

Blue: ...

Red: ...

Red: Do it again.


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