Rheagan Birch-Davidson

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            I walked with my class on graduation and put on my best smile for the parties afterwards. By the end of graduation week, I was exhausted. I was glad for the distraction though. It helped me realize that I had more people in my support system than just Rhiley. After graduation I started chemo again. I went through it for a year but it didn’t work. They gave me a few years to live. The doctors told me to go on living my life normally to the best of my abilities, so I went to Florida State College like I had planned to attend with Rhiley, and was very happy when I found out that my friend Melinda from my soccer team was also going there. The reassurance that I would know someone there was very nice. I majored in sociology and graduated 4 years later. I began work with the government as a social worker and I absolutely loved my job. I dated a few people after Rhiley, but they never lasted long and I just didn’t feel that same connection. I was ok with that though. I was content with life. It took me a while, but eventually, I was able to live without him. I visited his family every weekend and when Mrs. Davidson was ready to pack up his room and all of his belongings, I was there.

            About a year and a half after graduation, I got a strange call from a number I didn’t recognize. It was an unfamiliar voice telling me that, when I had the chance, she would really like for me to call her back because there was something she felt that I had to know. I called the number immediately after hearing the voicemail. It was McKenna Birch.

            She told me that she would rather tell me whatever she had to tell me in person so we agreed to meet for coffee here in Jacksonville the next day. I had no idea what she would need to tell me because as far as I knew, we hated each other. When a girl who looked a few years older than me walked through the doors of the small coffee shop with a little boy of about 5 or 6 years old, it did not cross my mind that it could be McKenna. Apparently my appearances have not changed much since high school because the girl with the little boy approached me.

            “Hi, Rin. It’s me, McKenna. I’d like for you to meet Rheagan.” I couldn’t believe that that was her. AND with a child! I was in utter shock.

            “Uhh… Hi McKenna! How have you been? And who is this handsome little boy?” I asked trying to play my shock off.

            “This is my son. And I haven’t been doing too well but that’s why I am here today. I would never ask this of you if I didn’t think that it were absolutely necessary.”I was unsure of what she was trying to get at but I kept listening. “Corina, Rhiley is Rheagan’s dad. That’s why I moved away. I didn’t want to ruin y’alls relationship any more than I already did. I was having a hard enough time supporting him when I found out about the accident. My grandmother was running out of patience and abilities to keep supporting us. We had to move out and into a trailer park in Mobile. I’ve barely been able to make any payments. You might not believe me, but before Rhiley died, I told him about Rheagan and he told me that if I needed anything, that I could come to him. I know that he can’t do that now, but I thought that maybe you might be able to help me. You are my last resort. I have to move back in with my mother but she is a drunk and doesn’t like kids. She would hurt Rheagan in an instant. I hate having to ask something this huge of you, but is there any way that you could take Rheagan in with you. It would just be until I got back on my feet.” She gave me a pleading look. There was no way that I could help her that much. I was still trying to help my parents with all of the medical bills  and my job didn’t provide me with much at all. On top of that, I didn’t want to take in a child if I could die any day now. I was already living longer than the doctor’s expectations. I didn’t want to push it.

            “I, I’m so sorry McKenna, but I can’t.” I thought for a minute and remembered that Rhiley left me with his savings. I had no plans for it and I knew that he would have wanted me to use it for this. “This is what I can do. Rhiley left me with his savings and according to his mother, there’s about $20,000 in it. You can have it to help you and Rheagan out. I hope it will help. I can mail you the check as soon as I can access the account.” She jumped up and hugged me.

            “Oh my God! Thank you so much, Corina. You are truly an amazing person. Thank you.” She was so happy that she was crying. We exchanged information and I drove her to her place. I was happy that I could help her, but slightly upset that Rhiley never told me about Rheagan it he knew about him. I realized though, that he did it to protect me. I am thankful for that. When I updated my will, I decided to leave him some of his father’s things, including his journal. I didn’t want him to be upset that his father was in love with someone other than his mother, but I wanted him to someday be able to love like Rhiley did. I want him to see how great of a man Rhiley was. I passed away on Rhiley’s birthday, September first. I was buried in his hoodie and a picture of him by my side. I left all money n my account to my parents to cover the medical bills and Rheagan and McKenna. For some people, that day was a very sad one, but for the people that really knew our story, it was a happy one because they knew that we were finally reunited in Heaven.

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